Re: Hatch Rigging *Pic*
By:Dean Trexel
Date: 9/6/2001, 3:08 pm
Date: 9/6/2001, 3:08 pm
In Response To: Hatch Rigging (Brion - Seattle)
I bought these flush fittings from Eric Schade of Shearwater Boats and installed them on my Arctic Tern. You can either get plans for $2 and make them yourself if you have a lathe and drill press, or buy the fittings ready-made (as I did) for $7 each. It's pricier than cheap pad-eyes, but worth it, I think. Approaching the deck of your kayak with a hole saw is a bit nerve-racking, but I didn't have any problems. Just measure twice, cut once. The fittings mount from the backside, and you just trim them flush with the deck surface.
Another image to take a look at is:

Messages In This Thread
- Hatch Rigging
Brion - Seattle -- 9/6/2001, 2:18 pm- Re: Hatch Rigging *Pic*
Dean Trexel -- 9/6/2001, 3:08 pm- Re: Hatch Rigging
addison -- 9/6/2001, 3:26 pm
- Re: Hatch Rigging
Chip Sandresky -- 9/6/2001, 2:38 pm - Re: Hatch Rigging
- Re: Hatch Rigging *Pic*