Date: 9/11/2001, 5:32 pm
The Fifth Annual Newfound Rendezvous is scheduled for this weekend, September 14th, 15th, and 16th. It is a celebration of boatbuilding and people powered boats. In light of the tragedy in New York and Washington today we (the Newfound Rendezvous Committee) are trying to determine if it is proper and fitting that we should be celebrating anything this weekend. We expect that for the next few days the nation will be in mourning and trying to find it's way through this tragedy.
On the one hand I don't think that we should let terrorism rule our lives, but on the other hand I recognize that many people in this area (to say nothing of the nation as a whole) have been affected by the events today either directly or indirectly. Our prayers go out to those who have loved ones lost or injured in these events. I am sure that I am not the only one who has had a hard time focusing on my daily work schedule today, even though I don't know anyone directly involved.
We will have a meeting at 10 AM tomorrow (Wednesday) morning to determine if we should go forward with the Fifth Annual Newfound Rendezvous. I am looking for opinions and feedback on this from those who frequent this bulletin board, whether you planned on going to the Rendezvous or not. If you wish you can reply privately to me at the e-mail above.
Thank you,
Michael Vermouth
Messages In This Thread
- Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
michael -- 9/11/2001, 5:32 pm- The Rendezvous will proceed- Thanks!
michael -- 9/12/2001, 2:08 pm- Re: The Rendezvous will proceed- Thanks!
jim graham -- 9/14/2001, 10:44 pm - Day of Prayer and Remembrance
Ken Finger -- 9/13/2001, 2:46 pm- matching funds available for relief donations OT
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/14/2001, 3:00 am - I thought it was just the noon hour *NM*
Gary B. -- 9/14/2001, 12:40 am - Re: Day of Prayer and Remembrance
Rob Macks -- 9/13/2001, 3:02 pm
- matching funds available for relief donations OT
- Hero Russ!
John Monfoe -- 9/13/2001, 6:14 am- Re: Hero Russ!
Scott E. Davis -- 9/13/2001, 1:26 pm - Re: Choices (OT)
Don Beale -- 9/13/2001, 10:45 am
- Re: Hero Russ!
- May I propose a reading
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/12/2001, 7:34 pm
- Re: The Rendezvous will proceed- Thanks!
- Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Rob Macks -- 9/12/2001, 12:06 pm- Sorry for double posting *NM*
Rob Macks -- 9/12/2001, 12:17 pm
- Sorry for double posting *NM*
- Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Rob Macks -- 9/12/2001, 12:06 pm - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback *NM*
mike allen ---> -- 9/12/2001, 11:40 am- Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
mike allen ---> -- 9/12/2001, 12:10 pm
- Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
- Reflecting on The Attack... and its aftermath.
Julie Kanarr -- 9/12/2001, 10:36 am- Re: Reflecting on The Attack... and its aftermath.
Ray Port Angeles -- 9/12/2001, 2:25 pm- Re: Reflecting on The Attack... and its aftermath.
Julie Kanarr -- 9/12/2001, 3:26 pm
- Re: Reflecting on The Attack... and its aftermath.
- Re: Reflecting on The Attack... and its aftermath.
Charles Cooper -- 9/12/2001, 1:57 pm - Re: Amen *NM*
Rehd -- 9/12/2001, 11:42 am - Re: Reflecting on The Attack... and its aftermath.
Brian McM -- 9/12/2001, 11:19 am
- Re: Reflecting on The Attack... and its aftermath.
- Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
edgar -- 9/12/2001, 10:34 am - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Bobby Curtis -- 9/12/2001, 10:23 am - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Jay Babina -- 9/12/2001, 9:20 am - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Brian -- 9/12/2001, 8:06 am - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Charles Cooper -- 9/11/2001, 10:23 pm - I hate speaking for others but perhaps . . .
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/11/2001, 9:44 pm - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Dick Gamble -- 9/11/2001, 8:18 pm - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 9/11/2001, 8:04 pm - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Jim Pace -- 9/11/2001, 7:48 pm - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Keith Marsh -- 9/11/2001, 7:38 pm - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Roger Nuffer -- 9/11/2001, 7:13 pm - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Don Beale -- 9/11/2001, 6:24 pm - Re: Newfound Rendezvous Feedback
Shawn Baker -- 9/11/2001, 6:20 pm
- The Rendezvous will proceed- Thanks!