Date: 9/13/2001, 2:48 pm
Thanks for the advice. These tools all belonged to my gradpa, whose cornet I also play. My predicament is that I live in an apartment at the moment. I have a friend who doesn't have any of his own shop tools who would LOVE to have free use of these tools if I were to temporarily house them at his place. So I think I will be trying to scoop up the table saw, jointer, and lathe before they get sold at my grandma's estate sale...
: I would strongly disagree with the previous advice. If these are machines
: that have been in the family and you think you may EVER use them then by
: all means bring them home and hang onto them. Just because you intend to
: build a boat now dosen't mean that is all the woodworking you will ever
: do. I do a good bit of turning and often use the jointer to help prepare
: stock in varrious ways. All machinery can be dangerous but if we used that
: arguement for what we choose to own and opperate none of us would be
: driving cars. I feel tools develop some soul as time goes on and if the
: user was some one significant to you it is all the more important. By your
: original post it is clear you do not have an extensive woodworking
: background but there are lots of places that teach woodworking these days.
: If you pass on this oppertunity and have a place to tuck these machines
: away you may find yourself kick your oun butt around your ill equiped wood
: shop some day. You could always sell or up grade later after you have had
: some time to asses your needs based on the work you find yourself doing.
: My not so humble oppinion, Steve
Messages In This Thread
- jointer = shaper ?
Dean Trexel -- 9/13/2001, 12:19 am- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Chip Sandresky -- 9/13/2001, 2:47 pm- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Brian Nystrom -- 9/13/2001, 1:01 pm- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Rehd -- 9/13/2001, 1:02 am- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Steve L -- 9/13/2001, 8:50 am- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Dean Trexel -- 9/13/2001, 2:48 pm- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Jim Kozel -- 9/13/2001, 10:26 am- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Bob -- 9/13/2001, 11:15 pm- No one to pass my tools to in the future
Tony -- 9/14/2001, 7:54 pm- Re: No one to pass my tools to in the future
John Schroeder -- 9/15/2001, 1:54 pm- Re: No one to pass my tools to in the future
John Schroeder -- 9/15/2001, 1:47 pm- Re: They'd yard sale them O.T.
Rehd -- 9/14/2001, 10:21 pm- I wonder if I'm too old to be adopted?
Ted Henry -- 9/14/2001, 8:16 pm - Re: No one to pass my tools to in the future
- Re: No one to pass my tools to in the future
- No one to pass my tools to in the future
- Re: jointer = shaper ?
- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Dean Trexel -- 9/13/2001, 1:48 am- Re: jointer = shaper ?
Rehd -- 9/13/2001, 2:12 am
- Re: jointer = shaper ?
- Re: jointer = shaper ?
- Re: jointer = shaper ?