Date: 9/14/2001, 3:58 pm

Like I said earlier, it wasn't so big I had problems taking pictures. I could have even parked my paddle and used both hands on the camera if I'd wanted to.
It was the biggest, baddest water that some of the folks in the party had ever seen, though, and for their sake, I'm glad it was only as big as it was.
It was large enough for them to negotiate successfully, but not so big that they got panic-stricken...everyone stayed quite relaxed and paddled through it--I was certainly proud of them!
Like Ted said earlier, it was his wife Holly's first time in the really rough stuff in her new boat, which wasn't outfitted yet...she did quite well.
Bring on the 4-footers next year!!!!
Messages In This Thread
- R2K1 (Rough Water) Navigation Class Photos *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 9/13/2001, 10:51 am- Re: Thanks Shawn!
Don Beale -- 9/13/2001, 12:10 pm- Re: Thanks Shawn!
Shawn Baker -- 9/14/2001, 10:44 am- call that rough water... tsk, tsk
risto -- 9/14/2001, 1:47 pm- Not the World's Roughest, but fun!!
Shawn Baker -- 9/14/2001, 3:58 pm- Re: It does look kinda tame huh? *NM*
Don Beale -- 9/14/2001, 2:14 pm- 'Tame' enough to make you want to go back!
Shawn Baker -- 9/14/2001, 4:39 pm
- Re: It does look kinda tame huh? *NM*
- Not the World's Roughest, but fun!!
- call that rough water... tsk, tsk
- Links only give excuses
risto -- 9/13/2001, 10:53 am- A solution
Ted Henry -- 9/13/2001, 11:34 am- Ahhh... the quick and dirty fix! love it
risto -- 9/14/2001, 1:46 pm
- Ahhh... the quick and dirty fix! love it
- Re: Thanks Shawn!
- Re: Thanks Shawn!