Re: conversion: rabbet to side rabbet *Pic*
By:Chip Sandresky
Date: 9/17/2001, 7:17 pm
Date: 9/17/2001, 7:17 pm
In Response To: conversion: rabbet to side rabbet (mike allen --->)
Points well made. The Fillister plane in the previous picture actually comes with a fence which I removed to make it easier to handle. In terms of flattening out curves... you're really only removing material from the inside edge of the strip (and very little material at that). Also, I let the front of the plane ride the strip instead of the back in order to minimize that flattening effect. So I didn't notice any flattening.
Here's another rabbet plan. This one is harder to hold onto around the forms. It's a great multi purpose low-angle plane; it's a rabbet/bullnose/chisel combo. I use it all the time.

Messages In This Thread
- Georgian Bay
Steve M. -- 9/9/2001, 5:34 pm- Re: Georgian Bay
Andre -- 9/11/2001, 5:44 am- I have learned from this discussion.
John Monfoe -- 9/17/2001, 7:01 am- Re: Decoration
Shawn Baker -- 9/17/2001, 6:28 pm- Re: I have learned from this discussion.
Chip Sandresky -- 9/17/2001, 5:56 pm- side rabbet plane
mike allen ---> -- 9/17/2001, 6:30 pm- Re: side rabbet plane *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 9/17/2001, 6:41 pm- Re: side rabbet plane
Scott e. Davis -- 9/18/2001, 1:51 pm- Re: not a side rabbet
Chip Sandresky -- 9/18/2001, 2:27 pm- Re: not a side rabbet
Scott E. Davis -- 9/20/2001, 1:42 pm- Re: not a side rabbet
Chip Sandresky -- 9/20/2001, 2:24 pm- Re: not a side rabbet
Scott e. Davis -- 9/21/2001, 1:34 pm
- Re: not a side rabbet
- Re: not a side rabbet
- Re: not a side rabbet
- conversion: rabbet to side rabbet
mike allen ---> -- 9/17/2001, 7:02 pm- Re: conversion: rabbet to side rabbet *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 9/17/2001, 7:17 pm
- Re: not a side rabbet
- Re: side rabbet plane
- Re: side rabbet plane *Pic*
- Re: I have learned from this discussion.
- Re: Georgian Bay
Steve M -- 9/11/2001, 11:32 am- Re: Georgian Bay
100GRIT -- 9/11/2001, 5:02 pm- Re: That wasn't called for
Shawn Baker -- 9/11/2001, 6:12 pm- Definitely called for. *NM*
Ray Port Angeles -- 9/13/2001, 1:03 pm- Re: That wasn't called for
100GRIT -- 9/11/2001, 8:34 pm- Re: That wasn't called for
100GRIT -- 9/11/2001, 8:30 pm - Re: That wasn't called for
- Definitely called for. *NM*
- Re: Georgian Bay
Shawn Baker -- 9/11/2001, 11:59 am - Re: That wasn't called for
- Re: Decoration
- Re: Georgian Bay
Jim Pace -- 9/10/2001, 7:42 pm- Re: Georgian Bay
Jim Martin -- 9/10/2001, 11:05 am- Re: Georgian Bay
Rob Macks -- 9/10/2001, 8:16 am- Time out!
Pete Rudie -- 9/10/2001, 12:37 pm
- Re: Georgian Bay *Pic*
James Neely -- 9/9/2001, 9:08 pm- priorities
Randy Knauff -- 9/10/2001, 1:47 pm
- I have learned from this discussion.
- Re: Georgian Bay