Re: Knee brace *Pic*
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 9/18/2001, 6:45 pm
Date: 9/18/2001, 6:45 pm
In Response To: Knee brace (David Hanson)
: I am wanting to add some knee/thigh braces to my Guillemot 18. I recall from
: way back that Shawn Baker had some good pictures of his installation. Is
: his web site or pictures still available?
Who's he, and what does he know about building anything?
Since Geocities won't let me post the photo directly, I whipped up a crude page of my kneehook photos, including the sketch of the cockpit that I posted a year or so ago.
Happy outfitting!

Messages In This Thread
- Knee brace
David Hanson -- 9/18/2001, 4:53 pm- Re: Knee brace
BUZZ -- 9/19/2001, 6:53 am- Re: Knee brace *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 9/18/2001, 6:45 pm- Re: Knee brace
David Hanson -- 9/20/2001, 9:13 am- Re: Knee brace
Shawn Baker -- 9/20/2001, 10:46 am- waiting for the updated stuff
David Hanson -- 9/20/2001, 11:35 am- Kneehook 2.02 *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 9/21/2001, 11:13 am- Here is Kneehook.2.01.beta
Shawn Baker -- 9/20/2001, 4:09 pm- Re: Here is Kneehook.2.01.beta
David Hanson -- 9/20/2001, 4:21 pm- Storage thingies inside cockpit *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 9/20/2001, 7:02 pm- nice thigh racks
mike allen ---> -- 9/21/2001, 3:12 pm- Re: nice thigh racks
Shawn Baker -- 9/21/2001, 3:27 pm
- Re: Storage thingies inside cockpit
Bill Price -- 9/21/2001, 12:51 pm- Re: Storage thingies inside cockpit
Doug K -- 9/21/2001, 10:26 am- Nice idea
Jay Babina -- 9/21/2001, 9:17 am- Entanglement
Shawn Baker -- 9/21/2001, 10:19 am- ....and another thought:
Shawn Baker -- 9/21/2001, 11:15 am- Re: ....and another thought:
J. Lange -- 9/21/2001, 4:54 pm- Re: Entanglement: Thanks for everyone's concern
Shawn Baker -- 9/21/2001, 5:55 pm
- Re: Entanglement: Thanks for everyone's concern
- Re: ....and another thought:
- ....and another thought:
- Speaking of pump holders
Dale Frolander -- 9/21/2001, 2:19 am- Re: And another one *Pic*
Don Beale -- 9/24/2001, 12:03 pm
- Re: nice thigh racks
- nice thigh racks
- Storage thingies inside cockpit *Pic*
- Here is Kneehook.2.01.beta
- Kneehook 2.02 *Pic*
- waiting for the updated stuff
- Re: Knee brace
- Re: Knee brace *Pic*
- Re: Knee brace