Date: 9/26/2001, 11:32 am
Check out the past postings on the subject or look at Nick's book The Strip-Built Sea Kayak. He details flush hatches, raised hatches,and premanufactured hatches. There is more information on this site as well as on the One Ocean site. They really look great--especially the flush hatches in my opinion. Have fun!
: I have built a 17' Pygmy S&G kayak and I'm starting a Guillemot-L. When I
: finished the Pygmy I decided that I didn't want to cut holes in the deck
: for hatches and I plan to finish the Guillemot without hatches also.
: However, with bulkheads installed, storage is limited. In order to gain a
: little storage space I placed the aft bulkhead about 18" behind the
: seat, but there still is not enough storage space for extended trips. I
: would like to make a hatch or an access door in both the fore and the aft
: bulkheads to use that space for storage. I would like to know if anyone
: has any ideas on the best way to do this. Thanks.
Messages In This Thread
- Hatches
Scott -- 9/26/2001, 11:24 am- Re: Hatches
Brian Nystrom -- 9/26/2001, 12:34 pm - Re: Hatches
Dan St. Gean -- 9/26/2001, 11:32 am - Re: Betsie Bay-type Bulkhead Hatches *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 9/26/2001, 11:31 am- Re: bulkhead hatch idea
Dean Trexel -- 9/26/2001, 5:24 pm
- Re: bulkhead hatch idea
- Re: Hatches