John Monfoe style rack - Thanks John! *Pic*
By:Dan Ruff
Date: 10/1/2001, 9:22 am
Date: 10/1/2001, 9:22 am
In Response To: Launch of a Mill Creek 13 *Pic* (Dan Ruff)
Here's the rack I built. I was inspired by John Monfoe's posts about the rack he made a few months ago.
The side rails are oak 1x6 boards. The cross bars are galvanized water pipes. The straps to the door frames are 8th inch thick galvanized. I also put a little foam weatherstripping between the wood and the car. Total cost was about $40. Time to build was about 4-5 hours. It's still bare, unfinished wood.

Messages In This Thread
- Launch of a Mill Creek 13 *Pic*
Dan Ruff -- 10/1/2001, 9:15 am- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability
Geo. Cushing -- 10/1/2001, 12:29 pm- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability
Dan Ruff -- 10/1/2001, 12:43 pm- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability
Geo. Cushing -- 10/1/2001, 1:29 pm- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
Jim Kozel -- 10/1/2001, 2:35 pm- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
Geo. Cushing -- 10/2/2001, 1:51 pm- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
Tom Tieman -- 10/1/2001, 5:09 pm- REALLY! Mirage/Guillemot! Got Pics?
Craig Bumgarner -- 10/2/2001, 9:13 am- Mirage/Guillemot Pics *Pic*
Tom Tieman -- 10/2/2001, 6:54 pm- Mirage/Guillemot- How fast ?
Pete Croft -- 10/3/2001, 10:05 pm- Mirage/Guillemot, speeds
Tom Tieman -- 10/4/2001, 9:15 am
- Re: Mirage/Guillemot Pics
Jim Kozel -- 10/3/2001, 11:48 am- Re: Mirage/Guillemot Pics
Craig Bumgarner -- 10/3/2001, 8:46 am- Re: Mirage/Guillemot Pics
Tom Tieman -- 10/3/2001, 11:45 am
- Mirage/Guillemot, speeds
- Mirage/Guillemot- How fast ?
- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 10/1/2001, 5:24 pm- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
Tom Tieman -- 10/2/2001, 8:33 am- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
Jim Kozel -- 10/1/2001, 8:08 pm - Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
- Mirage/Guillemot Pics *Pic*
- Pedal power *Pic*
Dan Ruff -- 10/1/2001, 3:54 pm - Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability - Modification
- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability
- Re: Launch of a Mill Creek 13
Dean Trexel -- 10/1/2001, 12:08 pm- Thanks for the tips.
Dan Ruff -- 10/1/2001, 12:49 pm- Re: beamy boat and Greenland paddle
Dean Trexel -- 10/1/2001, 1:43 pm- Re: beamy boat and Greenland paddle
Dan Ruff -- 10/1/2001, 2:07 pm- Re: beamy boat and Greenland paddle
Greg Stamer -- 10/1/2001, 2:57 pm- Re: short boat and long paddle
Dean Trexel -- 10/1/2001, 7:03 pm- Re: short boat and long paddle
Hans Friedel -- 10/2/2001, 6:39 am
- Re: short boat and long paddle
- Re: short boat and long paddle
- Re: beamy boat and Greenland paddle
- Re: Paddling Technique
Jim Kozel -- 10/1/2001, 1:36 pm - Re: beamy boat and Greenland paddle
- Re: beamy boat and Greenland paddle
- John Monfoe style rack - Thanks John! *Pic*
Dan Ruff -- 10/1/2001, 9:22 am- Re: John Monfoe style rack - Thanks John!
John Monfoe -- 10/2/2001, 6:43 am
- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability
- Re: Mill Creek 13 Stability