: Greenland blade tips are rounded for stealth. They enter the water quietly
: and cleanly, and discourage drips. The Aleut paddles (and some early
: Greenland paddles) had pointed tips. I am not familiar with the advantages
: and disadvantages of this feature. Pointed tips are popular with many
: native "canoe" paddles as well.
Round it is. The bay is being over run by seals.
: I'm curious why you chose a flat powerface. I prefer symmetrical blade cross
: sections, for uniformity of behavior during sculling, rolling and bracing.
: This becomes significant if you practice some of the Greenland
: rolling/sculling methods, since depending on the technique, either face of
: the paddle may be used (some are low brace techniques and some are high
: brace techniques).
I'm not sure3 why I chose a flat power face. But I do know that I carved a ridge on the back because i was in the feed store and saw a ferrier's knife that begged me to take it home and I had to try it out on something. I'll post pictures of the knife soon, you want one! Kind of like a one handed draw knife with a curved blade.
: Greg Stamer
Messages In This Thread
- Tip shape?
Bob -- 10/2/2001, 10:45 am- Re: Perhaps a better pic *Pic*
Don Beale -- 10/2/2001, 1:18 pm- Would a fish-tail tip shed water best?
risto -- 10/2/2001, 1:40 pm- Re: Would a fish-tail tip shed water best?
Don Beale -- 10/3/2001, 1:22 am- i was just joking...
... but then again:
risto -- 10/3/2001, 12:17 pm- Re: i was just joking...
... but then again:
Jim -- 10/3/2001, 1:34 pm
- Re: i was just joking...
- i was just joking...
- Re: Would a fish-tail tip shed water best?
- Re: Tip shape? *Pic*
Don Beale -- 10/2/2001, 12:33 pm- Re: Tip shape?
Greg Stamer -- 10/2/2001, 11:58 am- Re: Tip shape?
Bob -- 10/2/2001, 11:23 pm- one handed draw knife
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/3/2001, 3:55 am
- Re: Tip shape?
Rob Macks -- 10/2/2001, 2:45 pm- Re: Tip shape?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 10/3/2001, 9:08 am- Re: Tip shape?
Greg Stamer -- 10/2/2001, 4:25 pm- Re: Tip shape?
Jim Kozel -- 10/2/2001, 3:37 pm - Re: Tip shape?
- one handed draw knife
- Would a fish-tail tip shed water best?
- Re: Perhaps a better pic *Pic*