Date: 10/6/2001, 2:02 am
You want to shorten the kayak (16.25'/17')x100=95.588%
So if you shorten the distance between each station to the same percentage you will have 12" x 95.588% / 100 = 11.471" or 11 15/32" between stations.
Just cut out the stations to the original offset dimensions and space them at 11 15/32" instead of 12" The kayak will be the same width and height as the original. Since I rounded down, the actual kayak length will end up to be 17 spaces x 11 15/32" = 16'-2 31/32" pretty close to your 16'-3".
: I an going to build a Great Auk which I plan to shorten to 16' 3". The
: reason is simple, that's the biggest boat I can build in my shop and get
: it out of the basement.
: In Nick Schades book he gives a couple of formulas to change a design. I have
: spent a couple of hours trying to figure the first one out. I can not get
: the results that he gets for changing the Auk from 17' to 14'. Is there
: someone out there who can post an example or e mail how it's supposed to
: work. There is no example for the first formula and the example for the
: second formula is wrong(typo, what should be an equal sign is a minus
: sign). Is there a typo in the first formula as well, other then the fact
: that the SIGN function in the formula will not work in Excel with [] you
: need to use().
: Other then the formulas the book is great and can't wait to get started. The
: strong back is built, the plans glued to plywood and the cedar is ready to
: be cut. I have couple of days work before I'm ready to start installing
: the form so any help will be welcome.
: Many thanks in advance.
: Best regards
: Chris Hughes
: Newport RI
Messages In This Thread
- modifying plans
Chris Hughes -- 10/5/2001, 8:31 pm- Re: modifying plans
Craig -- 10/7/2001, 8:43 am- Re: modifying plans
erez -- 10/6/2001, 6:05 pm- Re: modifying plans
Dave Houser -- 10/6/2001, 2:02 am - Re: modifying plans
- Re: modifying plans