Re: still soft epoxy... 

Date: 10/8/2001, 9:46 am
Date: 10/8/2001, 9:46 am
In Response To: still soft epoxy...
(A Wendt)

If its not a temp. problem with regard to cure time, you might want to remove the soft epoxy. Dont even think about adding even a teeny bit of hardner or resin [not that you have thought to]. You may want to consider using MEK [methyl ethyl ketone] or vinegar to remove the epoxy. i dont kno which works better - never tried vinegar. But I can say MEK is a slow remover. Youll know you have removed all the soft stuff when it no longer clogs your sandpaper.
Messages In This Thread
- still soft epoxy...
A Wendt -- 10/8/2001, 1:17 am- Re: still soft epoxy...
Ken Sutherland -- 10/8/2001, 1:11 pm- Re: still soft epoxy...
Dean Trexel -- 10/8/2001, 12:46 pm- Re: still soft epoxy...
Jason -- 10/8/2001, 5:45 pm
- Re: still soft epoxy...
Pete -- 10/8/2001, 9:46 am- Re: still soft epoxy...
Pete Rudie -- 10/8/2001, 11:22 am
- Re: still soft epoxy...
- Re: still soft epoxy...