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Re: Your speed numbers
By:Nick Schade
Date: 8/4/1998, 6:10 pm
In Response To: Re: Your speed numbers (Stefano Moretti)

> I have paddled with several friends at little more than 4 knots
> for the Vogalonga in Venice, three times this year, and it is a 32
> miles course. Newcomers were able to do the same.

Is there any current on this course? A one knot current is not too noticable while paddling yet it can make it can make a 3 knot speed look like 4 knots and the difference between those two can be huge. The 25% increase in speed would take a 50% increase in strength on stationary water.

This could explain differences between what is "possible" and what actually happened.

Messages In This Thread

Re: Your speed numbers
Stefano Moretti -- 8/4/1998, 4:02 am
Re: Your speed numbers
Nick Schade -- 8/4/1998, 6:10 pm
Re: Your speed numbers
Mike Scarborough -- 8/13/1998, 1:16 pm