Boat Building Forum

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Re: Rolling success!
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 8/10/1998, 11:23 am
In Response To: Rolling success! (Timothy - Toronto, Ontario)

Congratulations! It's quite an ego boost to know that not only did you build your boat, you also have the confidence to right yourself in it in the event of a capsize.

I found that when learning to roll, it was easiest to practice all of my moves in a friend's whitewater kayak, then, I transferred what I knew to my Ches. 17. The Chesapeake is a big, edgy boat--the hard chines don't move through the water in a roll nearly as easily as a soft-chined boat. It was easier to practice the mechanics of my roll in the whitewater boat, without worrying about focusing a lot more strength and energy to roll the Chesapeake.

I can paddle roll, and hand roll to both sides in a whitewater boat, but only onside paddle (screw) roll my Chesapeake. I'm working on moving my skills up to my Chesapeake.

You will no doubt notice that you've built your confidence to try new rolls, as you can always revert to your Pawlata to get back up if you miss another type of roll.


Messages In This Thread

Rolling success!
Timothy - Toronto, Ontario -- 8/10/1998, 9:45 am
Re: Rolling success!
Mark Kanzler -- 8/10/1998, 11:53 am
Re: Rolling success!
Mike Scarborough -- 8/11/1998, 12:39 am
Re: Rolling success!
Shawn Baker -- 8/10/1998, 11:23 am