Boat Building Forum

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Re: Alternatives to cotton duck
Date: 8/27/1998, 3:40 pm

George Dyson sells lots of nylons/dacrons/etc. that you can't get (or afford to get 'cause you gotta buy bulk) from much of anywhere else.

We talk about this constantly on the Baidarka listserv. Email me and I'll send signup info.

I'm gonna build another skin boat this fall, in a "Hooper Bay" style, for my wife to use. She wants a shorter, more stable boat than any of my others. I was thinking about using dacron, but will likely use cotton duck again. I've found a cheap source; believe it or not, Wal-Mart. Though I hate to admit shopping there--they are becoming the anti-Christ for many small businesses. They sell 10 oz. duck in several colors for about 4.50 a yard, 60-64" wide. Can't beat the price, and the brand is the same I can mail order for $5.90 with a minumum order of 15 yds. Go figure.


> Could someone be a bit more specific as to exactly what kind
> of PVC is used to cover the boats and where it might be available.
> I have always used cotton duck, but it might be fun to try the PVC.

Messages In This Thread

Sea Bright Skimmer
Alice Bennett -- 8/21/1998, 12:39 pm
Re: Sea Bright Skimmer
Rich Kuchar -- 8/24/1998, 5:14 pm
Re: Alternative coverings and easy, quick, construction.
Mark Kanzler -- 8/21/1998, 10:49 am
Re: Alternative coverings and easy, quick, construction.
Paul A. Lambert -- 8/25/1998, 2:31 pm
Re: Alternatives to cotton duck
Wynne -- 8/27/1998, 3:40 pm
Re: Walmart (=?) Antichrist
Mark Kanzler -- 8/27/1998, 7:38 pm
Re: Alternative coverings and easy, quick, construction.
Mark Kanzler -- 8/25/1998, 4:09 pm
Re: Alternative coverings and easy, quick, construction.
Paul A. Lambert -- 8/25/1998, 5:28 pm