Boat Building Forum

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Re: Walmart (=?) Antichrist
By:Mark Kanzler
Date: 8/27/1998, 7:38 pm
In Response To: Re: Alternatives to cotton duck (Wynne)

Hopefully small businesses will wise up and form co-ops or some other creative way to buy in large quantities.

>I've found a cheap source; believe it or not, Wal-Mart.
> Though I hate to admit shopping there--they are becoming the anti-Christ
> for many small businesses.

Messages In This Thread

Sea Bright Skimmer
Alice Bennett -- 8/21/1998, 12:39 pm
Re: Sea Bright Skimmer
Rich Kuchar -- 8/24/1998, 5:14 pm
Re: Alternative coverings and easy, quick, construction.
Mark Kanzler -- 8/21/1998, 10:49 am
Re: Alternative coverings and easy, quick, construction.
Paul A. Lambert -- 8/25/1998, 2:31 pm
Re: Alternatives to cotton duck
Wynne -- 8/27/1998, 3:40 pm
Re: Walmart (=?) Antichrist
Mark Kanzler -- 8/27/1998, 7:38 pm
Re: Alternative coverings and easy, quick, construction.
Mark Kanzler -- 8/25/1998, 4:09 pm
Re: Alternative coverings and easy, quick, construction.
Paul A. Lambert -- 8/25/1998, 5:28 pm