Northern white cedar with a western red accent. Planed the ridges, worked up a sweat with the fairing board, and ran the ROS over it for a preliminary fairing.
Roughed out the ends for the outer stem strips and removed the staples except along the shearline. These will stay in place while I do the deck.
She's not perfect but she's way better than I expected for a first time effort. I've have 9 small gaps to fill with slivers where I didn't get the B&C tight enough. My last two strips on each side of the keel came in within 1/8" of each other width-wise and their respective lengths are very close. Boat appears nice and straight according to the taught line.
Learned a lot and now feel competent enough to build the deck.
Thanks to all for your help and advice.
Can't wait to launch this lady and then start on a Wee Two.
And then, perhaps, a strip-built side car for my FLH....
We're havin' fun now!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: And the rookie's built a hull... *Pic*
Holmes -- 12/7/2004, 11:46 pm- Re: Strip: And the rookie's built a hull...
Jon Marien -- 12/8/2004, 5:49 am- Man, lookit all that space in his garage...
Robert N Pruden -- 12/8/2004, 4:37 am- One more time... *LINK*
Holmes -- 12/8/2004, 3:17 am- An error has occurred.
Erik, Belgium -- 12/8/2004, 7:23 am- Re: An error has occurred.
pikabike -- 12/8/2004, 11:15 am- Re: An error has occurred. *Pic*
Glen Smith -- 12/8/2004, 12:34 pm- Re: Not On THAT Boat..!!
Rehd -- 12/9/2004, 2:27 pm- Re: Not On THAT Boat..!!
Holmes -- 12/11/2004, 12:44 am
- Re: Not On THAT Boat..!!
- Re: Not On THAT Boat..!!
- Re: An error has occurred. *Pic*
- Re: An error has occurred.
- Re: Strip: And the rookie's built a hull...
Rob B -- 12/8/2004, 12:19 am - Man, lookit all that space in his garage...
- Re: Strip: And the rookie's built a hull...