Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...------WebKitFor
Date: 9/20/2007, 10:12 pm
Date: 9/20/2007, 10:12 pm
In Response To: Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...------WebKitFor (Dan Caouette (CSFW)------WebKitFormBoundaryNOPN+1H)
6.1 size 13 us. I wear converse in my guilemot. Not enough room. I like that idea of comparing your foot to the nearest form. I should have done that. Either way its a slick boat. And all my sit on top friends always fall out of it when they try it. good stuff.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
WaTiger -- 9/19/2007, 12:43 pm- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...------WebKitFor
Dan Caouette (CSFW)------WebKitFormBoundaryNOPN+1H -- 9/20/2007, 10:33 am- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...------WebKitFor
Aaron -- 9/20/2007, 10:12 pm
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...------WebKitFor
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
Elisha -- 9/20/2007, 12:47 am- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
Michael Shugg -- 9/20/2007, 6:40 pm
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
Jim Farrelly -- 9/19/2007, 9:00 pm- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
Mike Savage -- 9/20/2007, 7:37 am- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
Jim Farrelly -- 9/20/2007, 7:48 am
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
Ric Moodie -- 9/19/2007, 1:36 pm- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
watiger -- 9/19/2007, 1:43 pm- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
pawistik -- 9/19/2007, 2:02 pm
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...
- Re: S&G: Guillemot and Shoe size...------WebKitFor