Date: 9/26/2007, 2:15 pm
: Beautiful job! With the lighter colored wood, I have to ask what type of
: plywood did you use?
Thanks Miklos. Nothing like as nice as yours though! I have to confess the ply was just what my local timber merchant (=lumber yard) happened to have in stock. It is not marine ply, but is boil-proof and has no voids - checked on purchase and also along the edge of every panel. I was actually surprised when I got it home. The last batch I bought for the PB was dark mahogany on one side and light wood on the other. This time the stack of ply all looked light, so I just assumed, in a rush, they'd stacked it the other way up, and it would be dark on the other side again. When I got it home and started to scarf it I was rather surprised to find it was light on both sides. But it turned out OK, and quite nice to be difrerent to the PB.
Sorry I can't be more specific! Next time - and I'm sure there will be a next time - I'll take a bit more time sourcing the ply to try to get stuff as light as possible. From stats I've seem okoume marine play looks to be lower density than most others, so it may be worth driving the extra distance and paying the extra cash to get that.
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly launched *LINK* *Pic*
David Reekie -- 9/25/2007, 7:03 pm- Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la
Miklos -- 9/26/2007, 9:21 am- Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la
Dave Reekie -- 9/26/2007, 2:15 pm
- Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la
- Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la
Bill Hamm -- 9/26/2007, 4:35 am - Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la
Christian Grejsen -- 9/25/2007, 8:55 pm - Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la
Bryan Hansel -- 9/25/2007, 7:41 pm - Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la *Pic*
David Reekie -- 9/25/2007, 7:05 pm- Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la
Kurt Maurer -- 9/26/2007, 7:34 pm - Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la *Pic*
David Reekie -- 9/25/2007, 7:07 pm
- Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la
- Re: Launching: S&G fully outfitted and properly la