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Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
Date: 10/2/2007, 10:47 pm
In Response To: Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers? (Erin Hurst)

: Thanks for your tips. I do have some whitewater experience, and really am not
: planning on paddling anything more than small riffles or surfing small
: waves...but also a lot of flatwater paddling. However, I would assume I
: still need a paddle with wider blades that a Greenland type paddle that
: can be carved from a 2"x4".

: I would really like to make my own paddle. I am trying to figure out what
: size lumber to start with and how long to make my paddle. Maybe use a
: 2"x6" and make the length somewhere between the ideal for
: whitewater and a Greenland paddle?

Take a look at the North Alaska paddle in this pdf.

Also on page 68 of "Qayaq" by Zimmerly there's a picture of a similar paddle to the one in the pdf except it has squared tips. Somewhere else I ran across a picture of the squared off wider variety paddle but I can't remember where.

I'm going to be making a similar paddle myself at some point to use in our shallow Nebraska rivers. Somehow I don't think a GP would be all that effective in one foot of water :)

Post pics of your paddle when you get it done.

: Thanks!

Messages In This Thread

Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
Erin Hurst -- 9/30/2007, 9:44 pm
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers? *Pic*
Andy Waddington -- 10/3/2007, 10:54 am
Pic restored, sorry
Andy Waddington -- 10/10/2007, 7:31 pm
Re: Pic restored, sorry
Bill Hamm -- 10/11/2007, 2:24 am
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
Erin Hurst -- 10/2/2007, 7:49 pm
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
Bill Hamm -- 10/3/2007, 1:32 am
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
Kent -- 10/2/2007, 10:47 pm
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
Scott Shurlow -- 10/1/2007, 7:18 am
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
Robert N Pruden -- 10/3/2007, 7:04 pm
Re: scared out of your mind
Andy Waddington -- 10/3/2007, 11:04 am
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
TOM RAYMOND -- 10/1/2007, 12:27 pm
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers?
Bill Hamm -- 10/1/2007, 2:02 am
Re: Paddle: What style of paddle for rivers? *LINK*
jason goslin -- 9/30/2007, 10:03 pm