Date: 10/3/2007, 12:04 am
Tks you're making it sound easy.
FYI when i looked at Nicks boats the stain looked very uniform in bright daylight, no blotches..his Petrel had a little stain fade on the bow side where you could see the wood through the stain a little more clearly but it did not take away from the looks, which are first rate.
I think a fresh made boat with all the rich colors before sun fade and varnish tarnish sets in is the best look by far too bad we can't make that last.
: Yep, I feel I got it sanded as smoothly as I wanted it to be, otherwise I
: wouldn't have stained it. Of course, the stain really shows those areas
: that I missed when I wet it out to raise the grain. I went back to using a
: block plane instead of a fairing board on this kayak. Won't do that again.
: So it goes. Luckily, it's on the bottom and that will be beat up in about
: two weeks of use. Especially, since this will probably be launched on ice.
: I don't feel it's going to be much of an issue along the sheer. By the time
: the deck and hull are joined, both will be under glass, so any sanding is
: on the glass. I've never really had any huge issues along that seam. Maybe
: I'm lucky. Anyway, without taking risks, the best rewards are lost. The
: reward of this color hull is going to be very nice. Exciting, really. I
: don't think I've ever been this excited about the hull at this point
: before.
: Don't let the mental aversions stop you. Go for it!
: Anyway, I think I jumped on the worry wagon too soon. The stain seems to have
: soaked more into the wood and evened out. Don't know if that had anything
: to do with using the retarder, which allowed it a longer drying time (at
: least an hour). I just checked and it looks much better than right after I
: finished it. Might still add a coat to darken it. Anyone know if this will
: work?
Messages In This Thread
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Bryan Hansel -- 10/2/2007, 4:31 pm- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
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Bill Hamm -- 10/4/2007, 5:11 pm
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
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- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Acors -- 10/3/2007, 12:12 pm- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Bryan Hansel -- 10/3/2007, 2:22 pm
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 10/3/2007, 9:31 am - Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
PatrickC -- 10/2/2007, 7:49 pm- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Bryan Hansel -- 10/2/2007, 11:26 pm- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
PatrickC -- 10/3/2007, 12:04 am- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Bryan Hansel -- 10/3/2007, 1:24 am- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 10/3/2007, 10:47 am- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Bryan Hansel -- 10/3/2007, 2:19 pm- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Robert N Pruden -- 10/4/2007, 7:08 pm- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Bill Hamm -- 10/5/2007, 10:10 am- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Bryan Hansel -- 10/6/2007, 12:08 am- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
Bill Hamm -- 10/6/2007, 9:18 am
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!
- Re: Strip: Dye questions - It's dyed!