Re: Launching: A New Canoe
In Response To: Launching: A New Canoe *LINK* (John Van Buren)
Your canoe looks great. I didn't even know there were any glued lapstrake canoe kits out on the market.
: Hi!
: I know this is a kayak builders forum. But you folks have been so helpful I
: wanted to share my latest project with you.
: Attached are some photos of the canoe I built for my son. It is S&G Lapstrake
: construction. It is 14 ft long and weighs 54 pounds. I added brass bow and
: stern bands. dyed the top board and used brass "Old Town"
: diamond head bolts to attach the seats and thwart.
: Itwas built from a kit provided by Shearwater Boats.
: I think it turned out rather well.
: Keep Smilin',
: John van Buren
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: A New Canoe *LINK*
John Van Buren -- 10/13/2007, 11:40 pm- Re: Launching: A New Canoe
Roger Nuffer -- 10/15/2007, 2:45 pm - Re: Launching: A New Canoe
John Monroe -- 10/14/2007, 4:13 am- Re: Launching: A New Canoe *Pic*
Ken Sutheland -- 10/15/2007, 2:25 am- Re: Launching: A New Canoe
John Monroe -- 10/15/2007, 6:00 am
- Re: Launching: A New Canoe
- Re: Launching: A New Canoe *Pic*
- Re: Launching: A New Canoe