: I have never met one person who can demonstrate a feather of 60 degrees or
: more
: and not have the control hand wrist bend somewhat when the opposite blade is
: in the water
By "straight wrist" I mean the center of the paddle shaft is aligned with your forearm. If you go with the back of your hand describing a straight line with your forearm, the paddle is below the center of force created by your arms and your wrist muscles would have to work at lifting your wrist to maintain the pushing force. Your wrist should be slightly bent upwards so the muscles controlling your wrist are not required to sustain the force of your paddle beyond maintaining balance with the load centered in your grip. Maybe a better word would be "neutral wrist".
The neutral wrist position on the lower hand will be more straight because your wrist is in tension and all the force of the paddle is held by the hook of your fingers. The degree to which you curl your fingers will effect the angle of the paddle blade and how much your wrist straightens.
This slight motion from straight on the pull to slightly bent on the push is about all that is needed to adjust a feathered paddle. Even with a high feather angle you don't need to move your wrist significantly beyond what is natural between pushing and pulling.
: In Alaskan/very cold waters we prefer solid foam floats which do work better
: flat which puts the other blade perpendicular to the deck.
In 30+ years of paddling I have never used a paddle float for anything other than a pillow, but have often had to fight a serious headwind. I will sacrifice some utility in a rare paddle float situation for many easier days in head winds. Just being less tired by the slog will mean I'm less likely to need the float. Its true that solid float is better, but even they float on their side, I would just deal with it on the rare occasions.
FWIW when I do practice with a paddle float, I do not strap the blade to the back deck, but instead grasp the paddle against the back of the coaming. This has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, but that is a different discussion.
: If it is still "a little" why do it if you are not in headwinds.
Because if you are switching the paddle orientation at every change in wind direction you will not have the instinctive ability to put the blade where it needs to be in a sudden brace.
: We pay attention to a lot of "little" things to make our kayaks
: perform better, reduce drag, make our strokes more efficient, save energy,
: prevent hypothermia, etc. This is just another little thing that has
: better ways or advantages to use when it makes sense.
The difference in a headwind is significant, everywhere else it is minor. When you are slogging for hours against a headwind, every little bit you can make it easier is welcome. When you are scooting down wind, you just don't see the need for it to be a little easier yet.
: Learn both, practice both, use what works best and is most advantageous for
: the conditions and your physiology.
I don't agree with the "use both" philosophy. I think people are better off learning and getting comfortable with one or the other. Maybe try both for a while but as you get more experienced choose what you like better so you can concentrate on getting your other skills as quick and instinctive as possible.
Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Greg Clopton -- 12/9/2007, 9:41 pm- build & try both
ChuckS -- 12/10/2007, 11:25 pm - Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Dave Houser -- 12/10/2007, 8:17 pm - Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Bryan Hansel -- 12/10/2007, 11:20 am- Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Bill Hamm -- 12/11/2007, 2:28 am - Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Gordon Masor -- 12/11/2007, 12:13 am- Hijack!
Dave Gentry -- 12/11/2007, 11:29 am- Re: Hijack!
Alex Ferguson -- 12/11/2007, 4:54 pm- ad nauseam
Dave Gentry -- 12/11/2007, 7:00 pm- Re: ad nauseam
Gordon Masor -- 12/12/2007, 2:53 am- Re: ad nauseam
Bill Hamm -- 12/17/2007, 2:07 am
- Re: ad nauseam
- Re: ad nauseam
- Historical POV
Reg Lake -- 12/11/2007, 6:20 pm
- ad nauseam
- Re: Hijack!
Mike Savage -- 12/11/2007, 1:48 pm- Re: Hijack!
Dave Gentry -- 12/11/2007, 3:14 pm
- Re: Hijack!
- Re: Hijack!
- Hijack!
- Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Kris Buttermore -- 12/10/2007, 1:21 pm
- Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
- Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Mike Scarborough -- 12/10/2007, 10:25 am- Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
JohnK -- 12/10/2007, 4:59 pm
- Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
- Kinesiology
Pedro Almeida -- 12/10/2007, 9:29 am- Re: Kinesiology
eric -- 12/10/2007, 9:45 pm - Re: Kinesiology
TOM RAYMOND -- 12/10/2007, 10:17 am- Re: Kinesiology
Mike Savage -- 12/10/2007, 10:41 am- Re: Kinesiology
TOM RAYMOND -- 12/10/2007, 11:48 am- Re: Kinesiology
Mike Savage -- 12/10/2007, 3:17 pm
- Re: Kinesiology
- Re: Kinesiology
- Re: Kinesiology
- another example
Pedro Almeida -- 12/10/2007, 9:47 am
- Re: Kinesiology
- Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
fred Gasper -- 12/10/2007, 8:51 am - Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Mike Savage -- 12/10/2007, 6:18 am - Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
Bill Hamm -- 12/10/2007, 3:41 am - Re: Paddle: Feathered vs Unfeathered
JohnK -- 12/10/2007, 2:59 am - A different POV
Dave Gentry -- 12/9/2007, 11:26 pm- Re: A different POV??
Randy Knauff -- 12/10/2007, 1:21 am- Feathering advantage is real
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/10/2007, 11:28 am- Re: Feathering advantage is real
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon------WebKitFormBoundaryU -- 12/11/2007, 11:44 am- Re: Feathering advantage is real
Kris Buttermore -- 12/19/2007, 1:59 pm
- Re: Feathering advantage is real
- Not either/or but appropriate both
Randy Knauff -- 12/10/2007, 4:05 pm- Re: Not either/or but appropriate both
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/10/2007, 7:30 pm
- Re: Not either/or but appropriate both
- Re: Feathering advantage is real
- Yes, a different POV
Dave Gentry -- 12/10/2007, 3:31 am- Question
Jay Babna -- 12/10/2007, 8:39 am- Re: Question
Bill Hamm -- 12/12/2007, 1:46 am - Re: Question
Dave Gentry -- 12/10/2007, 1:50 pm- The Whitewater Perspective------WebKitFormBoundary *LINK*
GlazedDonut------WebKitFormBoundaryCg1JNknuAcMS+s6 -- 12/10/2007, 10:30 pm- Re: The Whitewater Perspective------WebKitFormBoun
Dave Gentry -- 12/10/2007, 11:49 pm - Re: The Whitewater Perspective------WebKitFormBoun
Duane Strosaker -- 12/10/2007, 11:45 pm
- Re: The Whitewater Perspective------WebKitFormBoun
- Re: Question------WebKitFormBoundaryJred+soBaAm3Im
Jay Babna------WebKitFormBoundaryJred+soBaAm3Imqe -- 12/10/2007, 3:15 pm- Re: Question------WebKitFormBoundaryJred+soBaAm3Im
Kris Buttermore -- 12/10/2007, 4:20 pm- Re: Question------WebKitFormBoundaryJred+soBaAm3Im
Mike Savage -- 12/10/2007, 5:28 pm
- Re: Question------WebKitFormBoundaryJred+soBaAm3Im
- Re: Question------WebKitFormBoundaryJred+soBaAm3Im
- The Whitewater Perspective------WebKitFormBoundary *LINK*
- Well...
Pedro Almeida -- 12/10/2007, 8:47 am
- Re: Question
- Question
- Feathering advantage is real
- Re: A different POV??
- build & try both