Re: Glad it worked, send us some pics *Pic*
In Response To: Glad it worked, send us some pics *NM* (TOM RAYMOND)
Indeed. In the internet world if there are no pics it doesn't exist. this is fresh after the second coat of some Tung oil formulation with no stain I bought at Lowe's. It had some wholesome man's picture on the bottle and seemed good enough. The two paddles have different loom sizes and vastly different wrists.
If done again, when laminating I would not taper the wrists again like the smooth transition paddle but repeat the shorter transition as in the beefier paddle (seee second picture). I have tested before the finish was applied and they are both deadly silent and quite smooth.

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug Fir
Lucky -- 12/8/2007, 7:47 pm- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
Brian Nystrom -- 12/9/2007, 8:34 am- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
Lucky -- 12/9/2007, 10:12 am- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
John Eberly -- 12/9/2007, 10:58 am- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
Bill Hamm -- 12/10/2007, 3:54 am- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
Lucky -- 12/9/2007, 2:16 pm- Glad it worked, send us some pics *NM*
TOM RAYMOND -- 12/10/2007, 10:50 am- another pic *NM* *Pic*
Lucky -- 12/10/2007, 9:50 pm- Re: Glad it worked, send us some pics *Pic*
Lucky -- 12/10/2007, 9:48 pm - Re: Glad it worked, send us some pics *Pic*
- another pic *NM* *Pic*
- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
Bill Hamm -- 12/9/2007, 1:07 am- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
Kudzu -- 12/8/2007, 10:03 pm- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
Donovan -- 12/8/2007, 8:44 pm - Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F
- Re: Paddle: Suitable finish for Redwood and Doug F