Re: Strip: room for feet
In Response To: Strip: room for feet (Aaron)
: Ive searched previous posts but couldnt find anything about foot room in
: kayaks. Ive got a guillemot. My shoesize is 13. My feet do not have enough
: room. any suggestions on how to make this work? It seems like it might be
: a common problem.
Btw, if you're carefull in how you build the boat, you can get the hull (outside glassed) off the building form before you do the deck then can see if you'll actually fit and then modify the deck if need be to add room if needed. I raised the deck height to compensate and now fit fairly well.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: room for feet
Aaron -- 12/25/2007, 8:29 pm- Re: Strip: room for feet
Bill Hamm -- 12/28/2007, 12:27 pm- Re: Strip: room for feet
Lloyd Peterson -- 12/27/2007, 2:44 am- Re: Strip: room for feet
Duane Strosaker -- 12/28/2007, 1:32 am- Re: room for feet
Kris Buttermore -- 12/27/2007, 11:47 am- If it feels good, do it *NM *NM*
Lloyd Peterson -- 12/27/2007, 4:16 pm
- Re: room for feet
- Re: Strip: room for feet
John Monroe -- 12/26/2007, 3:58 am- Re: Strip: room for feet
Bill Hamm -- 12/26/2007, 2:11 am- Re: Strip: room for feet
Duane Strosaker -- 12/25/2007, 11:22 pm- Re: Strip: room for feet
Brian Nystrom -- 12/26/2007, 7:54 am
- Re: Strip: room for feet
- Re: Strip: room for feet