Re: Strip: Building a Parr *LINK*
In Response To: Strip: Building a Parr (Don T)
: Has anyone out there have a building log or pics of building a Parr for kids,
: I built a Sea Flea for my daughter and am currently working on a 14ft
: Great Auk for my best half.
: What other alternate designs are out there for small kayaks for kids? I have
: thought of doing another Sea Flea as they are such a neat and easy
: project, but routine is not my thing so I am just wondering. I will be
: getting pics of the Mid Auk :-) up soon.
: Don
Don, I have built 2, 1x12ft and 1x14ft. The Grand kids are at home in them.Very sea worthy.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Building a Parr
Don T -- 1/26/2008, 6:59 am- Re: Strip: Building a Parr *LINK* *Pic*
Pedro Almeida -- 1/26/2008, 3:11 pm - Re: Strip: Building a Parr *LINK*
Robin Boys -- 1/26/2008, 1:47 pm
- Re: Strip: Building a Parr *LINK* *Pic*