Re: Strip: Night Heron cockpit installation
In Response To: Strip: Night Heron cockpit installation (Cwynne)
: I am attempting to install the cockpit on my Night Heron and I am having
: trouble striping the transition from the forward deck to the aft deck. Any
: suggestions?
What's been said and a whole bunch of spring clamps and U clamps cut from scrap ply help alot. The transition for me was tricky too. I too used narrower strips for the outside edge (had a bunch already cut), think they are either 1/2" wide or 3/8" wide. Takes a bit more time (strips don't cover much) but they bend easier. Heat gun bending helps a bunch, just be careful to not go so far as to char the wood. Try it on a couple of scraps first.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Night Heron cockpit installation
Cwynne -- 2/3/2008, 11:16 am- Re: Strip: Night Heron cockpit installation
Bill Hamm -- 2/6/2008, 2:19 am - Re: Strip: Night Heron cockpit installation
Joy -- 2/3/2008, 1:03 pm
- Re: Strip: Night Heron cockpit installation