June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date *Pic*
I am just trying to think ahead to next years kayak builders gathering in Connecticut. Looking at the tide table, it looks like June 15th would work best for the Bluff Point State Park location.
I just want to put the date out there so people can either complain about a conflict of plan ahead so there is no conflict.
So, how about meeting at the beach Saturday, June 15 2002?

Messages In This Thread
- June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 10/23/2001, 10:42 am- Re: June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date
Kent LeBoutillier -- 10/29/2001, 7:53 pm- Re: June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date
Chris Menard -- 10/24/2001, 8:55 am- Re: June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date
Bobby Curtis -- 10/24/2001, 8:40 am- Re: June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date
Dick Gamble -- 10/23/2001, 7:14 pm- Re: June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date
LisaS -- 10/23/2001, 3:55 pm - Re: June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date
- Re: June 2002 Meet-at-the-Beach Date