Date: 1/3/2002, 4:23 pm
: I am looking for a hobby, and thought that strip building would be
: interesting and fun. My concern is that once finished building a boat for
: myself, that the building part will be over (half the fun). Is there much
: else to do, to keep one busy when you can't be paddling? Is there a market
: to sell boats that you make? Any thoughts are welcomed.
Something you should know before you start. You are standing on the slippery seductive slope of kayak building addiction! You will build one boat and then in between paddling, you will fiddle with things like the hatches and think about stuff you would change for the next boat. Soon you'll decide that you will just have to make one more..probably your last, just to see if you can handle a different type of construction or put different characteristics into the boat. That done and will decide that you will have to make just one more... probably your last...etc. etc. In between you will probably make a paddle or two just to see what they are like. Been there, still doing that, but I can quit any time I want...really I can.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Strip building as a hobby
Joe -- 1/3/2002, 2:52 pm- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
John Monfoe -- 1/5/2002, 5:31 am- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
Chip Sandresky -- 1/4/2002, 5:50 pm- how many boats???
Jim Eisenmenger -- 1/4/2002, 4:39 pm- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
Shawn Baker -- 1/3/2002, 5:15 pm- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
Liz Leedham -- 1/3/2002, 4:23 pm - Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby