Date: 1/3/2002, 5:15 pm
: I am looking for a hobby, and thought that strip building would be
: interesting and fun. My concern is that once finished building a boat for
: myself, that the building part will be over (half the fun).
Yes, that is only half the fun. However, paddling, (the other half the fun) is a wonderful sport that you can enjoy the rest of your life. Like golf, except you don't get drunk or lose your balls, so the frustration level is lower.
There are tons of things to learn and do when you get in the boat. Simply getting in and paddling is only part of it. You can learn to paddle in surf, cross oceans, go camping, embark on the quest for the perfect efficient stroke...
: Is there much else to do, to keep one busy when you can't be paddling?
Building paddles, buying gear, maintaining your kayak, outfitting the kayak, dreaming of new gear to buy, making handmade gear, Internet discussions!
: Is there a market to sell boats that you make?
Well, not really unless you're really good. You can probably sell them for a little more than what you've put into them, but don't stake this hobby on it.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Strip building as a hobby
Joe -- 1/3/2002, 2:52 pm- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
John Monfoe -- 1/5/2002, 5:31 am- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
Chip Sandresky -- 1/4/2002, 5:50 pm- how many boats???
Jim Eisenmenger -- 1/4/2002, 4:39 pm- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
Shawn Baker -- 1/3/2002, 5:15 pm- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
Liz Leedham -- 1/3/2002, 4:23 pm - Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby
- Re: Strip: Strip building as a hobby