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Re: Strip: Sheer Strip Help
By:steve hartmann
Date: 1/9/2002, 3:46 pm
In Response To: Strip: Sheer Strip Help (SMehder)

: I have just finished the bottom on my Night Herron and want to attach the
: first strip on the deck. I know that I must not glue this to the sheer
: strip, but am wondering how to begin the deck. So far I have been able to
: be staple-less, but think that this deck/sheer strip will have to be
: stapled to the hull sheer.

: The other problem is the angle that is formed on this deck at this point. It
: ranges from vertical at the cockpit to almost horizontial at the ends. Any
: help in this area would be greatly appreaciated.

i'am almost finished stripping the deck on a night herion the sheer strip touches flush by the cockpit then runs over as it gets near the bow and stern i figured i'd just trim off the over hang and round it out with the plane.

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Sheer Strip Help
SMehder -- 1/9/2002, 11:28 am
Re: Strip: Sheer Strip Help
Tom Johansen -- 1/9/2002, 11:35 pm
Re: Strip: Sheer Strip Help
steve hartmann -- 1/9/2002, 3:46 pm
Re: Strip: Sheer Strip Help
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/9/2002, 1:49 pm
Re: Strip: Sheer Strip Help
Ben Staley -- 1/9/2002, 12:45 pm
Re: Strip: Sheer Strip Help
John Schroeder -- 1/9/2002, 12:45 pm