Date: 2/1/2002, 1:49 pm
: Good advice. In this case though, that is not as easy as it sounds. The Rot
: Doc operates out of a basement in a residential neighborhood in Seattle.
: He buys the material from a manufacturer in California (I wouldn't expect
: him to divulge the source, but it may be worth a question to him), and
: gets it shipped to him via UPS. Marketing and sales is all done through
: the internet. That is to say that he is not a chemist, has no
: manufacturing facilities, scant storage facilities, and a staff of one. He
: is not the last word on technical matters. He is an entrepreneur who knew
: a good product when he used it, seized the opportunity and made it work.
: That said, it really is a good product. I am only saying that you will not
: get the same level of technical expertise from him as you would from
: Gougeon Brothers, System 3 or other mainstream formulators. So anecdotal
: evidence from other users is of greater importance than it would be
: otherwise.
A staff of 4, actually, plus a new 25 X 70' steel warehouse in Port Orchard. And we're adding 2 new people this Spring.
Those details clarified, I would like make the distinction between the the "technical' people and the "user" people. We began marketing CPES because after years of using it we never saw rot return to wood that had been treated with CPES, and we never saw wood even begin to rot if it had been throughly treated with CPES during fabrication. And so this began a few years of experimenting, consultation, and testing of the wood-derived line of epoxy products. This was on larger boats, homes and log buildings.
What we found during consultation with the technical people is that their experience was fairly limited to test results. Few -- if any -- of them owned old wooden boats or log buildings, and so their practical experience was limited. On the other hand, we used it extensively in the field and formed a large base of on-site user experience. So, sometimes what we have to say about what works well and what doesn't is more pertinent than what the technical people have to say. This is not to depreciate in any way the tech folks at West systems or any other epoxy vendor, but our resins are "our resins" and they are not the same as those of West and other manufacturers.
Wood protection and the use of resins to repair deteriorated wood is a very specialized area, and sometimes the opinions of the "user-experts" are as valuable as the opinions of the "technical-experts". Anyway, you guys are going about things in the right way: Assemble all the "advice" and opinions that you can, sum it all up and then make your decision on what to use, how to use it, and when to use it.
Phone: 206 364 2155
Fax: 206 364 4744
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Joe -- 1/30/2002, 8:20 pm- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Steve Smith -- 2/1/2002, 4:38 pm- Thank you Mr. Smith
Pete Rudie -- 2/1/2002, 5:52 pm
- Thank you Mr. Smith
- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Jim Chowning -- 2/1/2002, 10:40 am- Thanks for the answer
Pete Rudie -- 2/1/2002, 12:09 pm- Re: Thanks for the answer
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 12:55 pm- Re: Thanks for the answer
LeeG -- 2/1/2002, 1:41 pm- Re: Thanks for the answer
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/2/2002, 12:31 pm- Re: Thanks for the answer *Pic*
Pete Rudie -- 2/2/2002, 1:46 pm
- Re: Thanks for the answer *Pic*
- Re: Thanks for the answer
- Re: Thanks for the answer
- Re: Thanks for the answer
- Thanks for the answer
- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Severne -- 1/31/2002, 11:52 am- Just when things looked clear...
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 9:31 pm- Re: Just when things looked clear...
Joe -- 2/1/2002, 3:01 am - Re: you are a reasonable guy
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 10:52 pm
- Re: Just when things looked clear...
- Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 2:40 pm- Re: Greater Penetration
Chip Sandresky -- 2/1/2002, 12:45 pm - Re: Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 2:56 pm- Re: Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 2/1/2002, 10:54 am- Good point. And it IS Softwood. *NM*
Joe -- 2/1/2002, 11:11 am
- Good point. And it IS Softwood. *NM*
- however
mike allen ---> -- 1/31/2002, 3:05 pm- Re: however
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 7:36 pm - Re: however
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 6:22 pm- Re: however
mike allen ---> -- 1/31/2002, 6:38 pm
- Re: however
- I asked Dr.Rot to come and answer us HERE!
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 4:45 pm- Re: I asked Dr.Rot to come and answer us HERE!
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 2/1/2002, 10:49 am
- Re: I asked Dr.Rot to come and answer us HERE!
- Re: however
- Re: Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 3:01 pm
- Re: Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
- Re: Greater Penetration
- Just when things looked clear...
- It's not really blush .....
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 1:40 am- But could it be . . .
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/31/2002, 10:33 pm- Good point,
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 11:50 pm
- Good point,
- MORE than fair. Thanks *NM*
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 7:31 pm - Re: It's not really blush .....
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 3:04 am- Re: It's not really blush .....
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 3:27 am- Re: Pure Speculation...
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/31/2002, 9:02 am- Re: Pure Speculation...
Tom Johansen -- 1/31/2002, 5:53 pm- Re: Pure Speculation...
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 8:31 pm- Re: Pure Speculation...
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 2:01 pm- Re: Pure Speculation...
LeeG -- 2/1/2002, 5:17 pm
- Re: Pure Speculation...
- Re: Pure Speculation...
- No speculation here...
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 6:15 pm- Dr. Rot replies ....
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 7:01 pm
- Dr. Rot replies ....
- Re: Pure Speculation...
- Re: immaculate speculation
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 2:56 pm - Limitations
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 11:21 am- Re: Limitations
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 1:49 pm - Re: Limitations
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/31/2002, 12:59 pm
- Re: Limitations
- Re: More Speculation...
Shawn Baker -- 1/31/2002, 10:46 am
- Re: Pure Speculation...
- Re: Pure Speculation...
- Re: It's not really blush .....
- But could it be . . .
- Solving solvent worries
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/30/2002, 10:50 pm- Re: Solving solvent worries
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 1:12 am- Re: Solving solvent worries
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 1:16 pm
- Re: Solving solvent worries
- Re: Solving solvent worries
- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
LeeG -- 1/30/2002, 8:54 pm- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Joe -- 1/30/2002, 10:13 pm- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
LeeG -- 1/30/2002, 11:17 pm - Re: Epoxy: Good questions
don -- 1/30/2002, 10:48 pm - Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Jon Murray -- 1/30/2002, 10:35 pm
- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
- Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....