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Re: Splitting hairs
Date: 2/5/2002, 1:54 pm
In Response To: Splitting hairs (Pete Rudie)

You know Pete I feel the same way. In your earlier post you said Steve's answer all made "Your head hurt". Mine too! I have no disrespect for Jim or Steve and I don't have any facts of my own to take them to task with. BUT I am not some snot nosed 20-year-old kid. I've lived a little and cannot count the number of times I have first approached a new subject and been ignorant and started looking for answers.

So many times I have found people would just tell me the inside "scoop". You know what I mean, they just lay it out for you. But many, many times I have gotten an easy answer or worse an answer that didn't answer but only "seemed" to be an answer. So I had to look and look and try and do and THEN by myself LEARN the answer. THEN with this knowledge and experience I finally KNEW the answer, the one that was there all along. Sometimes this answer was: "It is no big deal, all your worries are unfounded, just do this and this and avoid this...".So if someone came to me after I learned the factors involved, I could just tell them -"1, 2, 3" !! SIMPLE. Here we have really worked at it (and neither of us were trying to be a smartass "egghead" only asking questions to cause trouble). Anyway after all this Steve (IT SEEMS TO ME and I an entitled to my opinion) gives an answer that does everything BUT just address OUR REAL CONCERNS. I mean with his vast experience, If he would have just looked at what our situation really was AND what our questions were REALLY getting at ….. Then I would have hoped for an answer that would have really addressed our concerns so we could move on to the next step. Instead we get an "answer" that sounds so knowledgeable but does me no ultimate good. I have been here before, you go to the person who should know, he "listens" and "answers', but the answer does not address the REAL question, so I go back. And this goes on, with the expert saying you have the answer already and each additional question does nothing to clear things up. Right now I don't know what the answer is to our questions. And I do know that there IS an answer out there. If I were to work with this stuff and have experience and thinking I could come here and tell you what we want to know, but I can see Jim and Steve are not going to give us the answer we need (I think they do not have it). I know others here will think I am just being impatient and over looking that these guys don't have experience in using CPES on little boats like ours so they cannot answer. Maybe so, and I'll accept that. But that ALSO means that they do NOT have the answer I need. So even though I think this is probably GREAT stuff,

I AM GOING TO SKIP IT!! Regretfully, I mean this is my first stripper and if these "experts" after being given great and fair questions repeatedly and a GREAT Forum to answer and that is the best they can do (I mean, stop beating around the bush and TELL US WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW, STRAIGHT AND CLEAR). As for me I have been forced to decide to instead warm my shop to close to 100 degrees and put a heat gun to gently warm the wood another 10 degrees or so then I will shut off all the heat and do a "seal" coat of "Clear Coat". It is safer, not so stinky, will penetrate fine and most important doesn't have me in the position of still having to face potential problems that could come up. After saying all this I would be the first to admit that there may be NO problem to use CPES they way we want to!! But after trying and trying to get it straight all I can say is my head hurts!!! Maybe I'll look at CPES on another boat and AFTER someone here has enough experience to post an answer to the REAL questions that have been asked here. Thank you and many others for all the work on this. If some here think I am being unfair, all I can say is you may be right. But don't get on my case just because I am honest enough to call it the way I do see it. You may disagree, but this is how I see it and I am only posting here, because I started a long thread about this and now that I am thorough with it I thought I "owed" it to post my honest feelings, right or wrong. I do not mean to be ungrateful to Jim and Steve, they put in effort here and I thank them for the effort, but I can't go so far to say that they gave the answers we needed. So for me, It's Goodbye to the CPES Merry-go-round and on to a warmed seal coat for me.


Messages In This Thread

Epoxy: The last word on CPES
Pete Rudie -- 2/4/2002, 6:28 pm
I think you meant precipitates, not emulsions
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/4/2002, 8:00 pm
Splitting hairs
Pete Rudie -- 2/5/2002, 12:07 pm
Re: Splitting hairs
Joe -- 2/5/2002, 1:54 pm