Boat Building Forum

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By:Greg Hughes
Date: 2/6/2002, 5:18 am
In Response To: Re: What about luan strips? (Paul G. Jacobson)

: If you scarf your plywood panels, and then rip them, you'll get strips that
: are nearly 16 feet long, and more fragile than cedar strips.

Actually, I was referring to solid luan, not plywood. A friend of mine has about thirty board feet (mostly 1x4)and he wants to use it for accent strips on the kayak he is building.

Messages In This Thread

Material: Luan
John Schenk -- 2/5/2002, 1:01 pm
What about luan strips?
Greg Hughes -- 2/5/2002, 4:52 pm
Re: What about luan strips?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/5/2002, 9:07 pm
Greg Hughes -- 2/6/2002, 5:18 am
AH! Solid Luan, not plywood
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/6/2002, 5:02 pm
Re: AH! Solid Luan, not plywood
Greg Hughes -- 2/6/2002, 6:45 pm
Re: What about luan strips?
Jason Koldewijn -- 2/5/2002, 10:27 pm