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Re: S&G: sheer line
By:Myrl Tanton
Date: 2/25/2002, 1:23 pm
In Response To: S&G: I'm ba-ack -- Squeedunk Cormorant 16 (Shawn Baker)

: Not like I ever really left, but after a 13-month building hiatus, I finally
: re-started my Cormorant 16 project.

: I haven't stitched anything since my Chesapeake in December 97--it's fun! Got
: the mini fillets done, will snip wires tonight or tommorow when the epoxy
: cures. Raka fast is still slow, and it's 10*F here...gotta be patient,
: Grasshopper!

: S&G hull with a hybrid stripped deck is the plan--I'm aiming to blur the
: sheer line so you can't tell where S&G stops and strips begin--we'll see!

: Gee how I've missed building!

: Shawn

Hi Shawn,

I'm very interested in how you are going to 'blur the sheer line'? I'd like to do the same on the S&G Guillemot, I'm having abit of difficulty with the 'sheerline' being at a slight angle where the hull meets the deck. I am not famillier with the Cormorant, so you may not have the same low angle issue, I'd still like to know, how you are going to attempt it.

I'm considereing either epoxying a bevelled strip on the hull along the sheer line. giving me a thicker edge on the hull to glue to. I could then plane/sand it down flush prior to taping the outside of the hull. However I can see alot of issues with this approach, mostly that it would be difficult to get the side withought the 'sheer strip' flush, and it would require work as well, before I could fiberglass that side together. Thus I'd need acccess to the inside of the kayak once the hulls were mated.

If I was a smart person, I'd think of some way to ensure the inside edge was flush so I could just run the tape as normal. Right now I'm thinking of a notch rrunning the lenght ofthe sheer strip which would give me a edge to force the hull against, and get the inside nice and flush... This is just my current thought.

It is a ways off before I come to this bridge, but it has been nagging me since I started the project. Any insite to this would be appreciated.

thanks, and good luck,


Messages In This Thread

S&G: I'm ba-ack -- Squeedunk Cormorant 16
Shawn Baker -- 2/25/2002, 11:16 am
Whoo Hoo!
Bill Price -- 2/25/2002, 3:29 pm
Re: Whoo Hoo!
Shawn Baker -- 2/25/2002, 4:53 pm
Re: S&G: sheer line
Myrl Tanton -- 2/25/2002, 1:23 pm
Re: S&G: sheer line *Pic*
Ken Sutherland -- 3/2/2002, 8:30 pm
Re: S&G: sheer line
Shawn Baker -- 2/25/2002, 7:28 pm
Re: S&G: sheer line
Ross Sieber -- 2/25/2002, 2:49 pm
Re: S&G: sheer line
Myrl Tanton -- 2/25/2002, 3:19 pm
Re: S&G: sheer line
Ross Sieber -- 2/25/2002, 5:40 pm