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Re: Other: Epifanes Wipe-On Application
By:Chip Sandresky
Date: 3/5/2002, 1:26 pm
In Response To: Other: Epifanes Wipe-On Application (Gini)

The only information I have on wipe-on application is that it tends to give you a thinner coat of varnish than brushing (without adding solvent). Maybe you won't need to thin it. Check with the manufacturer if you can. Also, I'd be interested to hear what you come up with.

Messages In This Thread

Other: Epifanes Wipe-On Application
Gini -- 3/4/2002, 9:05 am
Re: Other: Epifanes Wipe-On Application
Chip Sandresky -- 3/5/2002, 1:26 pm
Re: Other: Epifanes Wipe-On Application
Gini -- 3/5/2002, 9:34 pm