Boat Building Forum

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Re: Material: glue for polyethelene
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 3/20/2002, 11:39 am
In Response To: Material: glue for polyethelene (LeeG)

: Glue experts: if a person wanted to attache internal underdeck bungies on a
: plastic boat without drilling what's the best adhesive for attaching loops
: of webbing?

3M 5200? Brianne Corbett on the Techniques BBS is trying out a new glue for polyethylene--ask her to try it on nylon or polypro webbing.


Messages In This Thread

Material: glue for polyethelene
LeeG -- 3/20/2002, 10:44 am
Re: Material: glue for polyethelene
Shawn Baker -- 3/20/2002, 11:39 am