Date: 3/21/2002, 12:19 pm
: Yeah Chip your right there is a tendancy to over romatize the aboriginal
: cultures. Forget there strengths and issues look more like ours even now.
: And then you find a stomne tool... and ponder its owner......Still the
: ruggedness the spirituality of connectedness of what is around.
: Mythologies and legends that continue to WOW! I think in the end the
: romatisim around aboriginal existance is in part because somewhere in all
: of us there exists the aborigine who looks up into the Northern lights and
: knows there is a message in it for us to big to comprehend.
Nicely put. I think the desire to paddle isolated waters and hike wilderness paths comes largely from that - trying to connect with an aboriginal existence. It's a romatic idea but still a great idea and lots of fun too
: Well the transformation figures are not just in the
: boat.
: In the builder too.
: Hmnnn are all boats autobiographical. I think I'll start looking at all of
: you poster's boat picture postings with a much more fruedian eye....LOL
I love that idea: that your creation is a mirror of yourself. That's one reason it's okay to copy a master... it's okay because your own genius (or ineptitude) will always show through - it's unavoidable. That's also why you should build the best damn boat you can every time.
Thanks !RUSS, good to hear from you,
- Chip
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Stone boat *Pic*
!RUSS -- 3/20/2002, 2:42 am- Re: Strip: Stone boat
Rob Macks -- 3/20/2002, 2:02 pm- Re: Horror Show: Cracked maniac boat builder
!RUSS -- 3/20/2002, 8:19 pm
- Re: Strip: Stone boat
Chip Sandresky -- 3/20/2002, 1:58 pm- Car talk, Freud ,Cheif Seattle r sitting in a bar
!RUSS -- 3/20/2002, 8:10 pm- Re: Car talk, Freud ,Cheif Seattle r sitting in a
Chip Sandresky -- 3/21/2002, 12:19 pm
- Re: Car talk, Freud ,Cheif Seattle r sitting in a
- Re: Strip: Stone boat
Lisa S -- 3/20/2002, 11:02 am - Re: Horror Show: Cracked maniac boat builder
- Re: Strip: Stone boat