Date: 3/22/2002, 7:09 am
Thanks to everyone for your answers. As usual I am printing out suggestions and that’s the reason I am allways buying ink refills. I will apply the spit test, and perhaps do a thinned shellac over Paduck and Purple Heart (glad to know it is poisons) and set them in the sun. I also glad to know about Wenge being darker on the edge. I will do that spit test for sure.
It’s a long ways off for some of my boat decorations but I was thinking of making an Orca Killer Whale and needed some whitish wood, so I took a piece of White Pine and soaked it in bleach for two days. The wood did come out very white but the grain that was almost invisible became exceptionally clear and a light brown. Try it and see what you think. I also was soaking some Pine in ammonia and it looked like it was taking on a greenish color so I set it out to dry and now I have lost it. But my eyes may have been playing tricks on me.
The reason I am trying to figure out my wood inlay border pattern now is because I want to come off the upper bow stem of the Shooting Star and it has to measure in at 1 ¾". I am working on the separate stern that has to be stripped before any other stripping take place and I need to know exactly what it is going to be ahead of time. I know many of you have your technique’s for cutting boarder patterns but for those that don’t, this is what I come up with yesterday that works well for me so far. Picture below. I cut a 2 by 4 down the middle, then cut a slot ½" x ½". Then I used the 45 degree angle to guide my pull saw to cut the kerf accurately. Every cut is a 45 degree on my design as I think many border designs are. I have only two different types of pieces to cut, the triangles and the parralograms. I have a brad nail stop for the length of each of the two pieces. My half inch wide strips just fit the slot without binding and each piece can be cut in about half a minute. The cuts are very accurate and the pieces fit together well. But getting this on a boat is going to be something else. The wood is walnut, pine and red cedar left over from my other boat.
Again thanks for the advise,

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Wood colors?
John Monfoe -- 3/21/2002, 6:43 am- Re: Strip: Wood colors? *Pic*
Luke -- 3/22/2002, 3:55 pm- Re: Strip: Dyed Wood *Pic*
Erich Eppert -- 3/23/2002, 11:05 am
- Thanks Everyone. *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 3/22/2002, 7:09 am- Border Pattern *NM* *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 3/22/2002, 7:15 am- Re: Border Pattern
Chip Sandresky -- 3/22/2002, 12:19 pm- Re: Border Pattern
John Monfoe -- 3/23/2002, 7:07 am
- Re: Border Pattern - looks great!
jim kozel -- 3/22/2002, 11:00 am- Re: Border Pattern - looks great!
John Monfoe -- 3/23/2002, 6:57 am
- Re: Border Pattern
- Re: Border Pattern
- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Chip Sandresky -- 3/21/2002, 3:24 pm- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Rod Tait -- 3/21/2002, 11:12 am- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
steve hartmann -- 3/21/2002, 8:18 am- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 8:04 am- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Patsy -- 3/21/2002, 10:30 am- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 11:40 am- Re: Shellac
Chip Sandresky -- 3/21/2002, 5:36 pm- Re: Shellac
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 10:10 pm- Re: Shellac - CLARIFICATION
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 10:13 pm
- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Patsy -- 3/21/2002, 11:50 am- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 2:55 pm- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Patsy -- 3/21/2002, 3:17 pm- Shellac --warning, some adult content
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/22/2002, 12:34 am- Re: Shellac --warning, some adult content
Patsy -- 3/22/2002, 1:11 pm- Re: Shellac --Lac Beetle
Chip Sandresky -- 3/25/2002, 5:11 pm- Re: Shellac --Lac Beetle
John Monfoe -- 3/27/2002, 5:28 am
- India--I believe. *NM*
John Monfoe -- 3/23/2002, 6:17 am- Re: Shellac --warning, some adult content
Paul G.Jacobson -- 3/22/2002, 11:55 pm - Re: Shellac --Lac Beetle
- Re: Shellac --Lac Beetle
- Re: Shellac --warning, some adult content
- Shellac --warning, some adult content
- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
- Re: Shellac
- Re: Shellac
- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
- Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Steve -- 3/21/2002, 7:43 am- Re: Strip: Spit on it
!RUSS -- 3/21/2002, 7:02 am - Re: Strip: Dyed Wood *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Wood colors? *Pic*