Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Wood colors? *Pic*
Date: 3/22/2002, 3:55 pm
In Response To: Strip: Wood colors? (John Monfoe)

Here's a suggestion, and if anyone has already experimented with this please start a new thread. I'd be very interested to find out how your results came out.

I've been building a Silver on and off for about 3 years now. Just recently getting to actually laying out strips. I am going on the WAY CHEAP, method. Bought boards and ripped them myself and couldn't justify the cost of buying 18' boards just to get a few accent strips. I called Newfound and they didn't have any in stock, so I emailed West system to ask if they thought oil based stains would be a bad idea, seeing as how I was concerned that adhesion would be all but nullified with the oils from the carrier in the paints. They suggested I look into water based anniline dyes, and I'm happy to say I've had great results. I bought some online from W.D. lockwood and went at the sheer strips. You can work them just like water colors though the cedar soaks it really quickly. Check out my site I'm working on for examples of what the stains look like and how titebondII affects it.

My only concerns now are:
A. Can I sand the thin coat of titebond off and get back to the original colors without having to stain again, thus ruining the crisp line I had to begin with.
B. Will the colors get more intense (like when they're first brushed/sprayed on) once the glass is on?

Well that's my .02 cents. If anyone else has used this method start another post. Good luck. Oh and for those purists out there. I completely agree, real accent wood looks a million times better, but when you're building your first kayak and like to play with materials, what the heck. Why not fool around with cheaper alternatives.

Looks like you can't enter more than one URL in your body. The link to lockwood is on my site in case you're interested.

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Wood colors?
John Monfoe -- 3/21/2002, 6:43 am
Re: Strip: Wood colors? *Pic*
Luke -- 3/22/2002, 3:55 pm
Re: Strip: Dyed Wood *Pic*
Erich Eppert -- 3/23/2002, 11:05 am
Thanks Everyone. *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 3/22/2002, 7:09 am
Border Pattern *NM* *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 3/22/2002, 7:15 am
Re: Border Pattern
Chip Sandresky -- 3/22/2002, 12:19 pm
Re: Border Pattern
John Monfoe -- 3/23/2002, 7:07 am
Re: Border Pattern - looks great!
jim kozel -- 3/22/2002, 11:00 am
Re: Border Pattern - looks great!
John Monfoe -- 3/23/2002, 6:57 am
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Chip Sandresky -- 3/21/2002, 3:24 pm
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Rod Tait -- 3/21/2002, 11:12 am
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
steve hartmann -- 3/21/2002, 8:18 am
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 8:04 am
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Patsy -- 3/21/2002, 10:30 am
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 11:40 am
Re: Shellac
Chip Sandresky -- 3/21/2002, 5:36 pm
Re: Shellac
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 10:10 pm
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 10:13 pm
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Patsy -- 3/21/2002, 11:50 am
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 2:55 pm
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Patsy -- 3/21/2002, 3:17 pm
Shellac --warning, some adult content
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/22/2002, 12:34 am
Re: Shellac --warning, some adult content
Patsy -- 3/22/2002, 1:11 pm
Re: Shellac --Lac Beetle
Chip Sandresky -- 3/25/2002, 5:11 pm
Re: Shellac --Lac Beetle
John Monfoe -- 3/27/2002, 5:28 am
India--I believe. *NM*
John Monfoe -- 3/23/2002, 6:17 am
Re: Shellac --warning, some adult content
Paul G.Jacobson -- 3/22/2002, 11:55 pm
Re: Strip: Wood colors?
Steve -- 3/21/2002, 7:43 am
Re: Strip: Spit on it
!RUSS -- 3/21/2002, 7:02 am