Date: 4/10/2002, 2:10 pm
: The day you are no longer afraid to get on and ride is the day you should seriously consider
: not getting on at all. Fear keeps us alert.
I beg to Disagree to all!
I mentioned this at the last incident reported here and I still feel it is important to understand.
"Fear" is not a healthy attitude to have towards anything that can and will hurt you and still have to use it. I was taught that " if you fear something, then leave it alone." If you fear something, there is an emotional excitement that can cause you nearly as much problem with lack of attention as boredom. When you fear something, it can take away from your attention to other details, or cause you to concentrate too much on one aspect of a function.
When you know what the saw can do ( either good or bad ), you understand how it can happen and put into practice methods which can either aid or prevent these things ( in that order )then you are showing a good healthy "Respect" for the tool. Not a fear of it.
So, what I'm saying is, Show your tools a good healthy respect for what they can do ( good or bad ) but don't fear them. If you are afraid of a tool, then you should think twice about using it at all.
When I'm using my tools, I'm always alert to " What if " situations and try to work accordingly. Accidents can and DO happen, but if you are alert to the "What if's" then it is seldom that you will get bit by them.
Not meant to offend anyone, but just my Humble Opinion of something that I believe is a mis-understanding. Hope it helps!
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Embarrassing
John Monfoe -- 4/10/2002, 8:11 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
John Monfoe -- 4/11/2002, 8:41 am- now you have a skin-on-frame thumb
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/11/2002, 9:06 pm
- Carniverous tools.
!RUSS -- 4/11/2002, 8:33 am- Re: Carniverous tools.
Rob Macks -- 4/11/2002, 11:38 am- Yoric? Alas, I knew him well!
Ken Sutherland -- 4/12/2002, 12:04 am
- Your Funny Russ. I like your humor. Take care. *NM*
John Monfoe -- 4/11/2002, 8:44 am - Yoric? Alas, I knew him well!
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Andy Miller -- 4/10/2002, 6:08 pm- Good point!
Sam McFadden -- 4/11/2002, 12:20 am
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Tom Armstrong -- 4/10/2002, 3:56 pm- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 4/10/2002, 1:04 pm- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
mike allen ---> -- 4/10/2002, 12:14 pm- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Rehd -- 4/10/2002, 11:33 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Steve Rasmussen -- 4/10/2002, 11:31 am- Stopping mechanism
Mark -- 4/10/2002, 1:26 pm
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Joe -- 4/10/2002, 11:18 am- thanks for the reminder
Myrl Tanton -- 4/10/2002, 10:49 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Bob -- 4/10/2002, 10:36 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
LeeG -- 4/10/2002, 9:44 am- Re: Tools: Could happen to anyone
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/10/2002, 9:27 am- My father used to say...
Rod Tait -- 4/10/2002, 11:33 am- Re: No Fear ! Respect !!!!
Rehd -- 4/10/2002, 2:10 pm
- Re: No Fear ! Respect !!!!
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Rob Macks -- 4/10/2002, 9:23 am- Warning Bells
Greg Hughes -- 4/10/2002, 9:22 pm
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Chip Sandresky -- 4/10/2002, 9:08 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/10/2002, 8:58 am - now you have a skin-on-frame thumb
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing