Date: 4/11/2002, 8:33 am
Hey John,
OH NO! Ouch! Sorry to hear about your accident, and your expereince is proof that It can happen to anyone. For all the prevention that we add via good practice and equipment accidents do happen. ITs the human side of humanity I guess. And man do I hate to admit it when I am being really root-in tootin human. Thus, I admire your courage greatly to share the lesson.
A Little Humor If I may: From a building perspective.... Yeah its OK to try and raise the bar. Its even OK to push the envelope. However, John.......I think we should agree to certian limits. I propose informally of course that we declare it OK to strip in wood, rocks screens rattan, toilet seats and what ever else you have into our boats. However, I think stripping in body parts should be avoided. As an in-lay thumbs may be unique, but I just think its to far out there for most of us. I know this may become all the rage in the plains, but all us staid closer to the coast types are concerned that this may become a body piercing. We don't want everyone trying to in-lay thumbs into their boat.
John, I hope ya don't mind, and its certianly not meant at your expense. I have found in the worst of times that a that a little levity can at least make the healing moments go down easier. Good medicine. If I can make you laugh for a a minute then its been a good minute. Sometimes gallows humor is all that's gotten me through my own humanity.
Real medicine: I used to be called on my ambulance to the fish houses and crab meat packing houses for missing digits all th time. One of the things that they used to do after reattachement surgery was to put vitamin e- on the wound site after it heals closed. Seemed to promote healing and decrease the scar tissue build up.
Rest easy and Don't flip the table saw any more fresh meat.
You have my deepest Respect
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Embarrassing
John Monfoe -- 4/10/2002, 8:11 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
John Monfoe -- 4/11/2002, 8:41 am- now you have a skin-on-frame thumb
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/11/2002, 9:06 pm
- Carniverous tools.
!RUSS -- 4/11/2002, 8:33 am- Re: Carniverous tools.
Rob Macks -- 4/11/2002, 11:38 am- Yoric? Alas, I knew him well!
Ken Sutherland -- 4/12/2002, 12:04 am
- Your Funny Russ. I like your humor. Take care. *NM*
John Monfoe -- 4/11/2002, 8:44 am - Yoric? Alas, I knew him well!
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Andy Miller -- 4/10/2002, 6:08 pm- Good point!
Sam McFadden -- 4/11/2002, 12:20 am
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Tom Armstrong -- 4/10/2002, 3:56 pm- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 4/10/2002, 1:04 pm- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
mike allen ---> -- 4/10/2002, 12:14 pm- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Rehd -- 4/10/2002, 11:33 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Steve Rasmussen -- 4/10/2002, 11:31 am- Stopping mechanism
Mark -- 4/10/2002, 1:26 pm
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Joe -- 4/10/2002, 11:18 am- thanks for the reminder
Myrl Tanton -- 4/10/2002, 10:49 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Bob -- 4/10/2002, 10:36 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
LeeG -- 4/10/2002, 9:44 am- Re: Tools: Could happen to anyone
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/10/2002, 9:27 am- My father used to say...
Rod Tait -- 4/10/2002, 11:33 am- Re: No Fear ! Respect !!!!
Rehd -- 4/10/2002, 2:10 pm
- Re: No Fear ! Respect !!!!
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Rob Macks -- 4/10/2002, 9:23 am- Warning Bells
Greg Hughes -- 4/10/2002, 9:22 pm
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Chip Sandresky -- 4/10/2002, 9:08 am- Re: Tools: Embarrassing
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/10/2002, 8:58 am - now you have a skin-on-frame thumb
- Re: Tools: Embarrassing