Date: 4/23/2002, 3:21 pm
I am NOT visualizing this setup. Are you drilling the holes in the plane itself or the blade? I think where you lost me is on the groove for the plane blade. Does anyone know of a drawing or picture that could help me out here?
: I put a 45-degree bevel on some of the Okoume panels on my Pygmy. I bought a
: Stanley block plane for about $20 at Home Depot. Any brand of block plane
: will work as long as it DOESN’T have an adjustable throat. Drill a
: 3/16-inch hole in each of the four corners of the base. Then get a chunk
: of 2 X 4 and cut one edge at 45 degrees. On that slanted surface, cut a
: groove for the plane blade. Now screw the wood to the plane. You will hold
: the wood block against the wood panel as you plane. You will have to
: unsrew and reverse the plane for part of your planing because you always
: want to cut with the grain on the top layer of the plywood.
: Scribe a line on the plywood that matches the thickness of top layers of the
: plywood. I only cut down to the inside edge of the outer (water side of
: the panel) layer of plywood. Keeping the wood block flat to the panel,
: plane till you touch the line. Voila, perfect 45-degree bevel. By the time
: I got to my second panel, I could do about 15 feet in less than five
: minutes.
: Don’t worry about the holes in the planes. They don’t damage it one iota.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/23/2002, 1:33 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Rehd -- 4/23/2002, 10:42 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 9:17 am- I heard about an interesting S&G trick recently
Brian Nystrom -- 4/24/2002, 12:27 pm- Re: I heard about an interesting S&G trick recentl
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 2:17 pm- Re: I heard about an interesting S&G trick recentl
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 1:27 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
jim kozel -- 4/24/2002, 2:34 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 3:12 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
jim kozel -- 4/24/2002, 4:02 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/24/2002, 10:52 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
jim kozel -- 4/25/2002, 1:32 pm
- Re:Planing a bevel
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 4:17 pm - Re:Planing a bevel
- Re:Planing a bevel
- playing games
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 3:04 pm- more edge patter
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 4:26 pm
- Re:Planing a bevel
- Re:Planing a bevel
- Re: I heard about an interesting S&G trick recentl
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Don Lucas -- 4/24/2002, 10:22 am - Re: I heard about an interesting S&G trick recentl
- I heard about an interesting S&G trick recently
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
LeeG -- 4/23/2002, 4:04 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/23/2002, 4:26 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
LeeG -- 4/23/2002, 4:38 pm- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
John B. -- 4/23/2002, 8:25 pm- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
LeeG -- 4/24/2002, 1:05 pm- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 3:16 pm- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/24/2002, 9:51 pm
- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Myrl Tanton -- 4/23/2002, 3:27 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/23/2002, 3:39 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Myrl Tanton -- 4/23/2002, 3:59 pm
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Severne -- 4/23/2002, 3:02 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Severne -- 4/23/2002, 8:04 pm- Re: S&G: try again
Severne -- 4/23/2002, 8:08 pm- other fences
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 6:26 pm- i apologize
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 7:41 pm
- Re: S&G: try again
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 9:20 am - i apologize
- other fences
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/23/2002, 3:21 pm - Re: S&G: try again
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Chip Sandresky -- 4/23/2002, 2:38 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 4/23/2002, 1:50 pm - Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood