Date: 4/23/2002, 10:42 pm
Hi Patsy
If you don't mind another opinion:
I did the bevels on my Rob-Roy with a sanding block with some 60 grit paper. The angles on your multi-panel hull will be less than mine, so at the center of the boat you will only have to use about an 5 - 10* angle. As it moves forward toward where the panels start to curve upward, the angle will increase just a few degrees every foot on the bottom panels, but will flatten out as the sides tend to straighten up. The very front and rear, at the stems, may approach 45* on the end of the panels and on mine, they actually were more than 45*.
Having said that..... this is only important if you are seriously considering NOT having a GAP on the outside. This may be difficult to accomplish as the angle will change a slight amount every inch of the way.
If you are just trying to keep the panels from sliding around while stitching, then you can just take sandpaper and sand off a small bevel from the inside corner so that the panels will have a flat to sit together on. You will have the gap on the outside, and it will need filling, but.. That will give a contrasting line at the joints which is not all that unpleasant a look. ??
I wanted the perfect joints and found that you can't get the perfect angles unless the panels are in the finished position, to check them. Which means stitching it together, checking the joints and then taking it apart, or at least loosening the wires enough to get some sandpaper or file in the joint to trim to perfection. Then rejoin and check agian. You may want to think this out. Those perfect joints are going to be a real challenge. And.. anywhere you miss by a little bit, that gap will show up even more all by itself. ??
And as was mentioned, I believe, you don't want to touch that outside edge at all or when you pull the stitches together, you will have lumps and waves in the lines. Something to think about! ?
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/23/2002, 1:33 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Rehd -- 4/23/2002, 10:42 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 9:17 am- I heard about an interesting S&G trick recently
Brian Nystrom -- 4/24/2002, 12:27 pm- Re: I heard about an interesting S&G trick recentl
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 2:17 pm- Re: I heard about an interesting S&G trick recentl
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 1:27 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
jim kozel -- 4/24/2002, 2:34 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 3:12 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
jim kozel -- 4/24/2002, 4:02 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/24/2002, 10:52 pm- Re:Planing a bevel
jim kozel -- 4/25/2002, 1:32 pm
- Re:Planing a bevel
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 4:17 pm - Re:Planing a bevel
- Re:Planing a bevel
- playing games
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 3:04 pm- more edge patter
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 4:26 pm
- Re:Planing a bevel
- Re:Planing a bevel
- Re: I heard about an interesting S&G trick recentl
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Don Lucas -- 4/24/2002, 10:22 am - Re: I heard about an interesting S&G trick recentl
- I heard about an interesting S&G trick recently
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
LeeG -- 4/23/2002, 4:04 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/23/2002, 4:26 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
LeeG -- 4/23/2002, 4:38 pm- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
John B. -- 4/23/2002, 8:25 pm- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
LeeG -- 4/24/2002, 1:05 pm- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 3:16 pm- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/24/2002, 9:51 pm
- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
- Re: S&G: Bevel-Sandpaper?
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Myrl Tanton -- 4/23/2002, 3:27 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/23/2002, 3:39 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Myrl Tanton -- 4/23/2002, 3:59 pm
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Severne -- 4/23/2002, 3:02 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Severne -- 4/23/2002, 8:04 pm- Re: S&G: try again
Severne -- 4/23/2002, 8:08 pm- other fences
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 6:26 pm- i apologize
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 7:41 pm
- Re: S&G: try again
Patsy -- 4/24/2002, 9:20 am - i apologize
- other fences
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Patsy -- 4/23/2002, 3:21 pm - Re: S&G: try again
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Chip Sandresky -- 4/23/2002, 2:38 pm- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 4/23/2002, 1:50 pm - Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood
- Re: S&G: Beveling edges of plywood