Boat Building Forum

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Re: Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit?
By:Ken Finger
Date: 4/24/2002, 7:32 am
In Response To: Re: Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit? (Myrl Tanton)

: Stitch and glue is alot faster than ceder strip. Also if you do not own a
: table saw (or a band saw) and a router, you will have to go and drop money
: on them for a cedar strip boat. (although some folks do not use the
: router)

You only need the table saw if you are ripping your own strips, and a router if you want cove and bead edges. If the plan is to build only 2 boats, it may be more cost effective to buy the strips pre-milled from a place like Newfound Woodworks. If you check the classifieds in the back of Woodenboat Magazine, you will find other strip sources that are a little cheaper, but I don't know if their quality is as good. Not to mention that buying strips would save a whole lot of time.

Messages In This Thread

Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit?
rb -- 4/23/2002, 10:28 pm
Re: Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit?
Myrl Tanton -- 4/23/2002, 11:54 pm
Re: Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit?
Ken Finger -- 4/24/2002, 7:32 am
Re: Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit?
LeeG -- 4/23/2002, 10:37 pm
Re: Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit?
rb -- 4/23/2002, 10:42 pm
A look at the Coho/Tern
Rod -- 4/26/2002, 10:13 pm
go "Walrus" hunting :)
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/24/2002, 7:12 pm
Thanks - Just ordered the books.
rb -- 4/24/2002, 7:32 pm
Re: Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit?
Rehd -- 4/23/2002, 11:06 pm
Re: Seeking: What next? Strip? Plans? Kit?
Bobby Curtis -- 4/23/2002, 11:05 pm