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Re: Paddle: Drip rings?
By:Brian Nystrom
Date: 5/8/2002, 2:00 pm
In Response To: Paddle: Drip rings? (Stephan Bradley)

: Hi,

: I just finished a 13' Rob Roy and have a double paddle, but none of those
: fancy gadgets that keep me from getting really wet from water running down
: the paddle shaft and dripping right in my lap. I would call them
: "drip rings", but I really don't know what they are called.

That's a good guess, since that's exactly what they're called. You can buy rubber ones at any kayak shop. They're designed to either slip onto a two-piece paddle or to be cut, then glued around a one-piece paddle (or held together with a wire tie).

Messages In This Thread

Paddle: Drip rings?
Stephan Bradley -- 5/8/2002, 12:45 pm
Re: Paddle: Drip rings?
Brian Nystrom -- 5/8/2002, 2:00 pm
Re: Paddle: Drip rings?
Jay Babina -- 5/8/2002, 2:57 pm
Re: Paddle: Drip rings?
Shawn Baker -- 5/9/2002, 10:35 pm
Thanks!! *NM*
Stephan Bradley -- 5/8/2002, 3:22 pm
Re: Turk's Head *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 5/8/2002, 3:55 pm
Nice Paddles *NM*
KenC -- 5/8/2002, 5:45 pm