Date: 6/3/2002, 7:38 pm
Built one with no plan in the shape of a Chinese junk. Made one mistake -- too small. My first kid was born over 10lbs and he was 2 weeks premee. He out grew that cradle in 4 months. I saved that for my second child-- he refused to lay down in it-- he wanted to be hold in arms.
Well, I finally donated the cradle to the locate Mother and Child Center at the hospital run by the Cathlic nuns. They were totally serprised when I brought that in. When I talked to them on phone that I was going to donate a rocking cradle, they thought it was a mass produced store-bought cradle. You should see their eye popped. What could I do, I was going to move.
Anyway, I finished the cradle with many coats of hand-rubbed natural Danish oil, and the bottom got additional apar varnish (just in case the kid decided to leak in the middle of the night.) I read that Danish oil is non toxic after it cured. Good that it wass non toxic because my older son was born with a tooth and he really chew up the inwale. I sand and refinished the damaged part before I donated it.
I used yellow birch for the boat and oak for runners. It came out pretty nice.
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 6/1/2002, 9:31 am- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
rnb4tla -- 6/6/2002, 1:27 pm- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
Tony -- 6/3/2002, 7:38 pm- Family keepsake
DonB -- 6/2/2002, 4:31 pm- Re: Family keepsake
Dick L. -- 6/2/2002, 10:39 pm
- Comment-finishes......
John B. -- 6/1/2002, 11:33 pm- Calling Shawn Baker...
Pete Rudie -- 6/1/2002, 11:58 am- Re: Calling Shawn Baker...
Roger Nuffer -- 6/1/2002, 12:51 pm- Re: did I hear my name??
Shawn Baker -- 6/1/2002, 7:40 pm
- Re: did I hear my name??
- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
John B. -- 6/1/2002, 10:29 am- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
Roger Nuffer -- 6/1/2002, 12:50 pm- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
Mike Hanks -- 6/1/2002, 11:36 am- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
Andreas -- 6/3/2002, 11:34 am- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
John B. -- 6/1/2002, 12:15 pm- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
Roger Nuffer -- 6/1/2002, 1:03 pm
- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 6/1/2002, 10:19 am - Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans
- Re: Seeking: Boat Cradle Plans