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Re: Seeking: HELP! urethane varnish woes
Date: 6/5/2002, 9:54 pm
In Response To: Seeking: HELP! urethane varnish woes (ootek)

No claims of great expertise here, but I'd try light scraping to get the soft stuff off for a start. It's been a long time, but I have had such things happen and I seem to recall rubbing down with mineral spirits until I had a hard, dry surface on letting the surface dry, followed by maybe a light sanding and tack. Since mineral spirits have been an acceptable thinner for any varnish I've used, a slight residue of same on the surface has never been a problem with fresh varnish or polyurethane. Was the varnish old? Had solids settled in the can?

Good luck, and I'll be interested to see what the community elders' collective wisdom says.


: Howdy y'all, being the learning mutant that I am, I've run into a little
: trouble and am not sure of the best remedy. I put down a thin coat of
: Minwax Helmsman urethane varnish on a Tern yesterday afternoon, and many
: sections were still quite sticky this morning. The problem areas seem to
: be independent of the age of the epoxy, ie., some areas where the epoxy
: was only a few days old were fine, and other areas that were months old
: were gooey. I sanded the epoxy before application, but did not use soap
: and water to clean it before I began. My solution thus far was to hoist
: the thing up to the ceiling (more heat), cranked the furnace, and let it
: sit for another six hours. Still lots of sticky areas, others that are
: nice and rock-hard. I then took mineral spirits and a rag to the surface,
: and removed what I thought was all gooey areas. Then I washed the whole
: boat with soap/water, and just sanded it with 220. The result is that I am
: still detecting some soft varnish areas.
: Is it easier/better to apply more solvent, or keep trying to sand off the
: soft varnish?
: What do you think was the original cause? Residue from the epoxy curing
: process, maybe candle wax dripped from secret Warlock meetings held
: clandestinely in my shop? Most importantly, will it likely be
: "safe" to reapply the varnish after getting the old gunk off, or
: am I (the consummate newbie) missing something important?
: Thank you for any timely posts, as I shall have made my next mistake within
: about the next 4 hours. Putting this thing in the water Friday, and
: whether I'm glued into the cockpit is of no consequence.

: Cheers to all,
: Bob

Messages In This Thread

Seeking: HELP! urethane varnish woes
ootek -- 6/5/2002, 9:10 pm
Re: the Boat Gods smiled
ootek -- 6/6/2002, 3:17 pm
Re:then they chuckled cruelly...
ootek -- 6/8/2002, 11:33 am
Re: the Boat Gods smiled
Greg -- 6/8/2002, 2:13 am
Re: Seeking: HELP! urethane varnish woes
Rob Macks -- 6/6/2002, 7:57 am
Was the old epoxy mixed in wax coated cups? *NM*
John Monroe -- 6/6/2002, 5:58 am
Re: Seeking: HELP! urethane varnish woes
John Monroe -- 6/6/2002, 5:55 am
Re: Seeking: HELP! urethane varnish woes
Craig -- 6/5/2002, 9:54 pm