Boat Building Forum

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Re: Other: For crossword fans...
By:Paul G. Jacobson
Date: 6/8/2002, 12:15 am
In Response To: Other: For crossword fans... (Ed Walshe - Dublin)

: ... from The Times (English) this morning.

: Loss of nerve as a result of paddling in winter ? (4,4)

: The first time I've ever seen a paddling clue in the Times, or in any paper
: for that matter !!

And the answer was?

At least give up the number of squares it had to fill and let us guess.


Messages In This Thread

Other: For crossword fans...
Ed Walshe - Dublin -- 6/7/2002, 6:41 am
Yep, cold feet.. *NM*
Ed Walshe - Dublin -- 6/10/2002, 5:39 am
Re: Other: For crossword fans...
Paul G. Jacobson -- 6/8/2002, 12:15 am
Robert Palmeter -- 6/8/2002, 4:50 am