Boat Building Forum

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Re: Other: :D Hull ID Number - Ohio :D
By:jim kozel
Date: 7/9/2002, 4:21 pm
In Response To: Other: :D Hull ID Number - Ohio :D (Rick Allnutt)

I'm not going to take up the bandwidth re-posting the bureaucratic nightmare they're trying to create up here in Cleveland. But they sure won't do housecalls. Glad you had a good experience, it's 180 degrees away from what the Cleveland Division of Watercraft is planning for homebuilders.

Messages In This Thread

Other: :D Hull ID Number - Ohio :D
Rick Allnutt -- 7/9/2002, 2:26 pm
Re: Other: :D Hull ID Number - Ohio :D
jim kozel -- 7/9/2002, 4:21 pm
Lessons Learned
Shawn Baker -- 7/9/2002, 3:49 pm