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Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
By:Don Beale
Date: 7/26/2002, 12:31 am
In Response To: Paddle: Stick Length? (Dave Houser)

There really isnt a "correct" length, except that length which works for you. Not too helpful, huh?

I'd say split the difference and try 88", or maybe 90". That will tell you what you want to know.

"Feeling like you are going nowhere" is common until you get used to using a greenland paddle. It may be a technique issue. Take a look at the references from the greenland forum link at the bottom of the page, and see if there is more on technique. Or run a search for 'canted blade' in the greenland forum.

: So what is the correct greenland paddle length? I’m tall, 6’-2”, do I really
: need a paddle that is floor to finger tip, 94”? I built my first kayak
: paddle, a greenland 82” long, after reading Betsie Bay Kayak’s website.
: I did not like it. I felt like I was going nowhere with it.

: Paddle two was a two-piece euro, 225 cm with 113 square-inch blades and it
: worked me to death.

: Paddle three is a euro, 240cm one-piece 60 degree feather with 100
: square-inch narrow (6-inch wide) blades. I like it a lot and I make good
: time with it. So it works for me.

: However it occurs to me that it is not valid to compare a too short greenland
: stick to an euro of a size I like and say I like euros better. So I’m
: going to build another stick. What length do you guys recommend?

Messages In This Thread

Paddle: Stick Length?
Dave Houser -- 7/25/2002, 10:00 pm
Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
Dave Houser -- 7/26/2002, 5:45 pm
What's a cubit?
David Ross -- 7/26/2002, 11:49 am
Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
Greg Stamer -- 7/26/2002, 10:50 am
Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
Don Beale -- 7/26/2002, 12:31 am
Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
daren neufeld -- 7/25/2002, 10:24 pm
Re: Loom length
Shawn Baker -- 7/26/2002, 10:35 am
Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
Dick Kirschbaum -- 7/25/2002, 10:45 pm
Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
daren neufeld -- 7/25/2002, 11:21 pm
Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
Dick Kirschbaum -- 7/26/2002, 9:05 pm
Re: Paddle: Stick Length?
daren neufeld -- 7/26/2002, 9:32 pm